hey chihuahua have mean memories man - they never forget an ankle

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Chihuahuas only remember one thing; that they hate everything.

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An ex-girlfriend of mine probably saved her life by stopping to vote against Roodles before going to work at her job on the 102nd floor of WTC 2.

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A couple of decades back Mrs. H. and I stopped at the palace in Vaduz, Liechtenstein on our way to Switzerland. There were sheep keeping the grounds kept, which I thought was a nice touch. The prince was out of town, so the palace was closed. I actually thought about kicking in the front door, running into the throne room, and declaring myself myself Prince. After all, I probably had as much right to do that as the person who originally claimed the original version of the title. Mrs. H. talked me out of it.

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Can't he be both? I mean, he tore up papers because on some level he knew they were depicting poor behavior (i.e. crimes). I don't want him successfully pleading not guilty by reason of insanity.

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IIRC, from both WH and Trump Org people, the behavior seems to be completely random. If there's no one to take things away from him to file of them, it's his default method of dealing with anything he's "done with."

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Hey! Not all of them! I had a very sweet chihuahua, probably my all time favorite. Otis the Corgi Shepherd is quickly moving up the list. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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That makes me happy!

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Playing Devil’s Advocate.

What good would seizing the voting machines actually do? The machines aren’t connected to the internet. They can’t be hacked by a server in Germany. Or Venezuela. Or Guatemala. Or whatever bogeyman the band of crazies has in their sights at the moment.

So what would have been the point?

I’m sure they would have made one up. But why?

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That first sentence ... ew.

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Seizing the voting machines wasn't intended to show there was some imagined fraud.

The point of seizing the machines is to give the appearance that something was wrong with those elections, and an investigation must take place (which would never finish).

The point is to undermine democracy.

And if liberals and not totally-clueless centrists came out to protest, that's the excuse to send the cops (or worse the military) into the streets.

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Giuliani knows his ass is mowed to the nubs already

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Or a coup he believed would fail, landing participants in jail.

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Which given the shambolic way Trump does everything…

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With the voting machines we use in NY, there's a paper trail of every ballot. (They go into a bin in each machine after being scanned.) If you wanted to screw with the counting electronically, you'd have to either mess with the thumb drive (in EACH machine), or interfere with the transmission of the data (via a tablet) to the Board of Elections.

I also observed a hand-counting in '20, when the tally in my borough was close enough in several races to call for one. They ran the ballots through one machine, and the votes, including affidavit and absentee ballots were opened by BOE personnel, observed by watchers from the campaigns, any of whom could raise an objection.

In other words, it's theoretically possible to fix an election (any system is hackable), but EXTREMELY unlikely. Even then, there are paper ballots. (The Bernie bros were CONVINCED in '16 that the city purged hundreds of thousands of registrations of people who would have voted for Bernie.)

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