Killed by his own men.

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No, he has that special racist streak where he will gladly deal with people of color if they have money, but he is so happy when he can hit the ones who dont. Hes fascist, pure and simple, he loves to watch the untermensch get trampled by stormtroopers, but he has a extra hit of joy when they are black. Or muslim.

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Durian, the world's smelliest fruit, as introduced by Thomas Fuller for The New York Times: … when ripe it can smell like a dead animal.Also comes in 30 varieties!

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Ta, Liz.

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Or any of the amendments. Or the constitution.

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He was the Douglas Neidermeyer of the Civil War.

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God only knows what was happening in the White House that we will never be told. People working there knew that Trump was unfit for office but known that f them gave a damn enough to warn the public.

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Ben's latest grift is the Ben Shapiro Book Club, wherein he curates and programs important literary works to people who, for some reason, think he's an actual smart person.

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Come on, he talks REALLY fast, and says "Let's just say" every other sentence. Effin' genius!!

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50, actually. Some are quite rare. Only one kind gets exported to the US. People vary on their assessment of the aroma and flavor. There seems to be a genetic component, like the poor people who think cilantro tastes like soap.

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Hey! Where are all the Spam-swatters? Jezus these jerks on on every thread! *reports*

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Out-of-touch old men who've never been in combat.

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Why involve god when the entire Luciferian Cabal is at your command?

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Gotham Times Pitchbot? https://twitter.com/owillis...

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But that's my point. If VP and Cabinet remove him from office, then Congress doesn't have to. They only have to vote to abide by the decision of VP and Cabinet. That's a much easier political lift -- and much more cowardly, and these assholes re nothing if not cowards -- than removing him themselves.

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