Painfully familiar

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I went to the museum in Astoria and saw an entire history of people going across the bar in a variety of boats. None of them are safe. There's a good reason that cruise ships don't dock in PDX. Although that would be Hilarious! I'll pay to stand on the shore and watch closed circuit TV from that one

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oh you deserve more upvotes for that.

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huh. i wonder if the 2 heavily armed gents i saw crossing clark this AM (i'm in ravenswood) going to a nondescript car were them as well.

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you and me both lady. i just responded upthread - i saw 2 guys with weird attire and loads of weapons crossing clark (andersonville) this AM. i wonder...

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NO it was fab. still my go to musical when i'm drunk. well sometimes hamilton, sometimes JC Superstar.

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I see what you did there... 😉

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i'll be there.

also i suspect a revival of 'chicago' is not a bad thing.

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I suspect things will go badly if Trump sends these stormtroopers into New York City.

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You need to remember that unions are by their nature independent of the organization whose members they represent. If someone is a cop and also a union member they would probably be prohibited from doing dumb shit like writing a letter to the President asking him to send in the feds. But if the union has a full-time staff who are paid from dues, then he or she can do whatever ratfucking crazy shit they want to. The only question is whether the mass of the union members agree with him, and that’s what I’d like to know

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I suppose you're all wondering what urban center would provide relative safety from Trump's DHS goons. Pick a city where a higher than normal proportion of the population in residence and serving in metro government are efficient, pugnacious and tenacious legal experts and former federal prosecutors. He hates and fears such people. Most importantly, he fears them.

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Quick! Hide the meds.

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I've told people this about Portland over and over. Portland has a white supremacy problem going from way way back. They held 3 days of celebrations and a parade for a visiting Nazi naval cruiser in 1936 and arrested all the people who took part in a protest against the visit. They had a kkk presence throughout the 20th century and were big fans of redlining. If you thinking within the depths of their souls they've experienced an epiphany you would be sadly mistaken.


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I don't want to be unkind to Chicago, but isn't it rife with gun crime? Is it possible that Dump is sending super soldiers there cos he thinks there will be a dramatic shootout that he can use to his advantage?

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Jazz peener is properly called helicoptering.

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Things going badly is the point. Lots of video footage of sneaky black evil Blahs in gangster hoodies and communist masks in a shootout with heroic white heroes in heroic blue and army(heroes!) gas masks.

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