Thanks for reminding us. We must not forget that, basically, we are dealing with Prezinit Meth Tweaker here. Adderall is a mixture of amphetamine salts which are very similar to methamphetamine ("Meth" is just N-methyl-amphetamine; amphetamine with one of the hydrogen atoms on the nitrogen atom replaced by a methyl group).


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What did Shirley Bassey say? Is this another case of history repeating?


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Throw him to...THE SHEEP!

(Does anyone else remember The Goodies?)

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I wonder if Fabrizio's polling considers the Russian fuckery that Drumpf has been calling for.

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On Fifth Avenue, no less...

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Trying to win reelection, when he never wanted to win the first time, is some "Producer's" level insanity. I suspect that he's trying to stay in the White House so he can hide out from everyone who wants to put him on trial.

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Avoiding AIDS was his personal Vietnam, and getting crabs was his Falklands War.

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Why would Drumpf want to stop the Russian meddling? He's counting on it to keep him in the White House so he won't be put on trial.

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Yeah, but the Barr summary of the Mueller report was more favorable. Complete and utter bullshit, as it turned out, but more favorable.

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"I know NOTHING!!!!

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Hmm...allow me to clarify...

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Mitch McConnell= The Gravedigger of Democracy. That is not hyperbole. This is NO bullshit.

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Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence!

You don't know for certain that Brad has an actual dick.

IS one? Sure. Has one? Not proven.

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Agreed he thinks he can't be touched by the law while he's President. Which... didn't we fight a war so we wouldn't be ruled by someone above the law?

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But but but Eisenhauer! Wait, exception for generals who win wars?

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Military service could be counted, and Ike's effective role was quite political. Ben Carson would be the tricky question, esp since he was arguably ahead of Drumpf for a while. At least he had a degree and a record of public service.

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