Thank you for taking notes because I just can't watch it. I saw maybe 20 seconds tops on TV and shut it off. I really worry that there are way too many people who support this fuckshit.
The one small comfort I can take in this daily shit show is knowing he’s miserable on a daily basis. His Howard Hughes like hermetic cocoon of trash palaces and constant praise hasn’t translated and he has no earthly idea why.
I guarantee you he thought being president would be like being elected queen, and he’d just smile, appear at ribbon cuttings, wave, be praised, and golf
And here's why no reputable lawyer will touch Trump or his family. Reputable lawyers who have, like Abbe Lowell, are not so reputable anymore. He won't shut up. The only kind of lawyer who represents this kind of trash is a mob lawyer--someone who expects his clients will keep committing crimes and lying because that is the business they run.
If Mitch McConnell was such a great politician and such a dandy fine Republican, Trump would have gotten it in the neck from him long ago.
Karma and cosmic justice are coming for this filth and his evil apprentices. Like Trump, John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney believes he doesn't have a mug shot in his future, which is one good reason they will.
Ghost Thread
Just wondering if Defense Secy. Esperanto had any comments about the military claims of CiC Bugout Donbonespur ?
Nah, thats Jessica Andrade. The link mostly has Gabbard doing light sparring with Weilei Zhang, the first Chinese UFC champ.
"Trump took a shit on the Kurds and said they're not really good fighters and only looked good because we were helping them"
This is the official line of any interview with a Turkish official. President Good Brain is getting his foreign policy from Fox News again. Shocker!
Thank you for taking notes because I just can't watch it. I saw maybe 20 seconds tops on TV and shut it off. I really worry that there are way too many people who support this fuckshit.
The one small comfort I can take in this daily shit show is knowing he’s miserable on a daily basis. His Howard Hughes like hermetic cocoon of trash palaces and constant praise hasn’t translated and he has no earthly idea why.
I guarantee you he thought being president would be like being elected queen, and he’d just smile, appear at ribbon cuttings, wave, be praised, and golf
Wanna see Tulsi Gabbard train mma with a legit badass? Ok here!
Gif of legit badass included for clarity: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Is Tulsi the one bleeding onto the canvas?
We should plug him into the wall. He's a hybrid, after all. American / Russian...
That went better than I thought it would. He only descended into genuine frontier gibberish.
I didn't think they spoke that in NYC.
His nose and chin are all oily pores and look gross.
Also plus too his repetitive speech has gotten much worse.
And here's why no reputable lawyer will touch Trump or his family. Reputable lawyers who have, like Abbe Lowell, are not so reputable anymore. He won't shut up. The only kind of lawyer who represents this kind of trash is a mob lawyer--someone who expects his clients will keep committing crimes and lying because that is the business they run.
If Mitch McConnell was such a great politician and such a dandy fine Republican, Trump would have gotten it in the neck from him long ago.
Karma and cosmic justice are coming for this filth and his evil apprentices. Like Trump, John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney believes he doesn't have a mug shot in his future, which is one good reason they will.
Reputable lawyers also like their bills paid.