Don’t forget Gladly the Cross-eyed Bear

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“It’s too bad Crede had to pay a foot and a leg for his health care if only he could have waited to contract the hoax Gyna virus for a couple more weeks when I’m going to replace Obama care with absolutely nothing. It is what it is. Everybody’s going to get the same healthcare I did though so win.”-Donaldo Darkly

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He's done with COVID.

But COVID isn't done yet!

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"I'm DONE with gravity, goddam it!!! (Boom! Crash!! Falling Down Stairs Sound!!!)" Ooof!!

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So they're obsessing over commas, semicolons, and hyphens?

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jesus christ not fucking lear.

donald trump is NOT FUCKING LEAR. donald trump is not even close to shakespeare. he's ubu fucking roi.

stop saying lear. jesus christ.

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As a boomer, I can only say that Trump, the draft dodger, is our final F-you for Vietnam.

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I sense we have stumbled upon a sensitive topic

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A landfill would be more apropos, and comes complete with the name: "Trump Dump."

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It’s not so much “only the ones on Election Day” as “only the ones for Republicans.”

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Besides, the movie theaters are all closed because of Covid.

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Stalin was like Trump in that he liked to do favours for his friends. He criminalised homosexuality in the 1930s after his friend Maxim Gorky complained that some dude had come on to his son in a Moscow park.

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He's "done" with Covid? WTF does that even mean? I'm "done" with working every day and cleaning up cat vomit, but it needs to be done and I'm an adult so I do it. You don't get to stop fighting Covid because you're bored with it, Donnie. And if you had even made a tiny effort towards recognizing and fighting Covid at the start, you might have even won the election, by tricking people into thinking you were responsible and presidential. Instead you whined about how all these dead people were harshing your buzz. Consequences, bitch.

And what kind of shitty health care do you give your staff that the fucking director of the security office has to use a GoFundMe page to cover his medical bills?

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Plus, while he is in love with Ivanka, she's no Cordelia. She's a venal Regan through and through.

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Depends on the version:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Unfortunately they aren't all Trumpers.

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