I was surprised at Warren ... I pegged her as more politically savvy than that.

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To be fair, nearly anything can be made better by cherry pie with two scoops of ice cream, even if the pie is made with that sickly sweet canned cherry pie filling that has a bit of a chemically taste.

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Damn it, I have to use this again??


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This is a good one. Suggesting the primaries were rigged means people are all easily fooled into voting for Clinton ( I voted Sanders in the primary) because of rigging. I mean, if it were rigged, why didn't I vote for Clinton? Maybe the DNC sucks at rigging, and I know how to register as a party member before the vote? Or at the time I liked him? His waiting until the convention to concede has me not voting for him again, but not relevant. RIGGED!!!!!1! so hard I voted for Bernie.

These wanks really ascribe superhuman powers to Hillary. I am lucky to be alive.

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Heh, Moe! Another reason to post this! https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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3 years and 5 days...

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Is this the same Donna B who was the EVIL DNC CHAIR WHO GAVE CROOKED HILLARY THE ANSWERS???!!!!!??!!11!!???

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a) what about chocolate cake?

b) I would buy that Hope Hicks memoir.

c) more proof that he thinks that people who don't support him don't count. 'cause ERRBODY are not just asking that.

d) "Donna B"? really? and why is a black woman responsible for confirming all of his conspiracy theories? doesn't he have minions for that?

e) they are and your Mueller time is coming, Tsarina Preznit. and we will be so deserving of it. we are all on Santa's nice list. Santa's Nice List will be Mueller's memoir.

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Sean Hannity, YOU'RE ON NOTICE!

(That's who he was referring to, right?)

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Wonder why... (IT'S MUELLER!)

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Maybe he'll just stay there.

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Obviously Bill Kristol knows his track record of being wrong 100% of the time, so he's probably trying to reverse-engineer this superpower-level skill into affecting the future.

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Chewbacca farts! OMG. Why does Evan so often compel me to hit the “donate” button? I just can’t help myself. Thank you, Evan.

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Thanks, that did me zero good.

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Where's he landing first? Tokyo?

That's my bet.

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