And personification, also, too.

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Gaah. Kissing a slug would be more enjoyable.

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If Dump gets his way about having the G7 at Doral, the leaders and their staff should all learn how to prevent bed bug invasions. Little saucers of water on the bed posts, hang all the clothing, fumigate whatever they brought....

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Show me a picture of Melania looking at her (cuckhold) husband the way she looked at JT and I'll show you an obvious photo shop.

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That's some gross schitt there, alright. Or is my German not so good?

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I've licked a banana slug (Girl Guides--with a single father as troop leader) and I'm damn sure that was more pleasant than would be trying to air kiss the Mandarin. Thinking about actually kissing him makes me physically ill; IMHO, Merkel should get props for just being able to be in such close proximity to the awfulness that is the Mandarin.

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Yup, I knew it would end badly. When trump rambled on and on and on and on about the US's terrific economy, which he saved from that horrible Obama, Boris Johnson, often dubbed the trump of the UK, gently leaned across the table to trump. Johnson said, "We're all so glad that the US is doing so well. It's the wonder of the world. But we were really talking about something else entirely." (I'm paraphrasing; I did watch the video.) trump then shut the fuck up. Did he even notice that Prime Minister Johnson was telling him to shut up? Probably not. But if he did, just wait for the temper tantrum tweets. Now I can actually say that I have some respect for Boris Johnson. Whether or not Melanoma was photoshopped into a photo gazing with full lustorama at Justin Trudeau? Who knows? Who cares? I just hope Prime Minister Trudeau doesn't get an STD just from standing anywhere near her.

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Yet more monetizing of the US presidency.

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Translation: "Trump wants to come to Germany very soon." I'll bet that Germany is just whoopin' it up over this. Get out the fat baby blimp and send it on over to Germany.

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Oh, Ethereal Fairy, this is just perfect!

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*bows* Thank you, I thought so as well. please, share it far and wide.

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Holy Anoia! I didn't notice!

Yepp, you could read it that way.

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...stay at the Days Inn down the road...

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Maybe cause nein sprechen-zie Deutsche, I read it more phonetically?

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The Doral is bedbug-infested. Like Trump's brain.

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