Man, I got locked out of FB for "bullying or harassment" for 24 hours because I said the argument of a non-mask wearing idiot (I did not call him A Idiot but he is) for "freedom" was juvenile, told him he was not a biological exception to a novel viral infection and his comment was loathsome AND he was pathetic. I'm pretty sure factual truth is an absolute defense to "bullying and harassment", even of RWNJ Privileged White Males.

Not even one swear or rape or death threat and Xuckerberg's Xoons get all up in my face. Luckily it was my birthday and my present to myself was no FB for 24 hours anyway.

I had no idea I'd been FaceBinned until I checked in to see if Trump was dead yet the next day.

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It's a spoilt penis!

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Its actually a cooler city than you think. Alot of out of town friends say that after a week here.

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The White House "thinks" by the same mechanism that a detached grasshopper leg extends and retracts.

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Mark Esper's uniformed service record is remarkably sketchy. Graduating from West Point is a guaranteed 20 year career with a retirement rank of O-6 (bird colonel), unless you fuck up. The fuck up doesn't even have to be your fault but you can't be the fan slipstream. He separated after ten years which means he might have made major of got passed over twice trying to make major. 11 more years and he only advanced to Lt. Col. He stepped on his dick somewhere.

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"But we can tell you that it seems like the active-duty troops Trump brought into Washington are going home"

Nope, Esper reversed that decision, AFTER a meeting at the White House (I'm sure the link went to this story, but I couldn't help myself).

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Defense Secretary Esper...more like Fold and Surrender Secretary Esper. https://media1.giphy.com/me...

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I was feeling kind of optimistic for the past couple days that the end is near for Trump. And then I watched the first half hour of Rachel. Now I'm going to go hide under my bed.

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OT Credit to the Eagles for that incredible picture.

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Boooooo....all you want, like warm rain on a hot August night, so good. That picture of him looking dejected on the ground, knowing he just probably lost the game, was the best football moment I will remember, ever.

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I call Friday 5 PM, when he waddles up to his suite for hamberders and twattering shitstorm, and FAUX NEWS also, too!

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One Super Bowl to six? Okie dokie.

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That's fear and envy.

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Also, too, the space farce......

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Um, totally O/T but...... watched the last part of 'The Dark Tower'.

Now I knew why it bombed. They fucked the bomb out of the original story.

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