TDS sucks! And I'm not a fan of any political parasites! But statists are gonna be gullible! Divide and Conquer works to perfection on the ideologically possessed!

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Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

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In other words: the merger deal fell through because he got greedy so he through his butt out of the pan straight into the fire and added accelerant. Third degree burn doesn't begin to describe how badly he's burned himself. Even two battalions of fire crews can't put out this fire so his ashes are going to disintegrate as soon as air hits them.

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Ta, Gary. Perfectly said. I hope this deal dies in a fire sale.

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Trump's entire identity is tied up in being perceived as being "wealthy". This is going to hurt. A lot.

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Just like the New York judgement "You owe us 500,000,000 bucks, buckaroo.". "How about if I give you $100,000,000 up front? That sounds fair." "Are you on drugs? Is your hearing aid on? Am I suddenly speaking in Serbo-Croatian? Pay or I confiscate every bit of your property at a penny to the dollar." "That's not fair!! you're being mean to me." (see GIF above for further material)

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90% of $3B worth of stock being held in a portfolio is worth a lot. 90% of $3B worth of stock being dumped in a hurry to try to raise money to pay legal judgements is worth…not nearly as much.

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....and, because he used to be president, he can also have anyone executed if he wants. Pretty sure that's now it works.....

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Sauce, meet gander. If this gig works for the Vulgar Talking Yam, then the Yam had better be watching over his shoulder for any old revenge plan that OHJB might have up his sleeve, since Biden is still Prez and, according to Trumpian logic, can do any old damn thing he wants. Up to and including reducing the Yam to a grease spot and will get away with it because immunity.

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The gif for the WIN!

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It has been used before, of course, but deserves to be, because it is perfect.

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Ths link has lots of details on the multiple ties to corruption, insider trading, creative valuations, off shore bank owned by Russian who is related to others of interest... Nothing to see here folks...he has complete immunity!


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Interesting! I was just thinking that today’s buoyant stock market is not at the same level of risk as the dot com frenzy, but then you tell me that King Diaper Pail’s Twitter knockoff has a $3 billion valuation. Recalculating . . .

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Who did the valuing? We all know how Trump handles valuations.

If his BS Twitter from Wish is worth $3 billion, then Real Twitter would actually be worth what Space Karen paid for it.

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AI is where the huge bubble is.

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Nope. Commercial real estate esp. office buildings.

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I thought everyone was piling out of that since work from home.

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Stock dilution is also how Mark Zuckerborg allegedly screwed his former college roommate.

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I can't figure out how the market price per share ranges from about $35 to about $45. Twitter, with billions of users, almost never made a profit. But Truth Social has just a tiny fraction of that number of users, most if them white supremacists or Nazis, just as you would expect of a Trump social media site. With similar advertisers paying cut rate prices. So within a few months of going public the stock price will probably be under $5. But right now people are ponying up millions of dollars to buy stock because it has Trump's name on it. And Trump will try to unload his shares before the bottom falls out, reaping a billion dollars or more, while other investors are screwed. Again. Like he has done on other scams, like his casinos. How supposedly market savvy investors could sink money in something like this is puzzling, unless they think they can screw over people even later in the chain. But lots of people are going to lose a lot of money before Truth Social vanishes into the ether.

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I assume they're freely selling the information of users to any old StormFront wannabe. Stupid people who can't decide if they're more racist or more conspiracy theorist? It's a goldmine. (They're all "purebloods" too! Behold, the people who read Harry Potter and thought "Moldy Voldy was right!")

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The price really jumped when the SEC got off their back last month. I share your sentiments. Would never in a million years.

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So these two dipshit former Apprentice contestants came up with an idea and then entered into an agreement with Trump where he’d own 90% and they’d do all the work.

And now they’re surprised that he’s screwing them even more?

What idiots.

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"He almost immediately started chiseling by trying to talk Litinsky into handing a boatload of his shares over to spousal concubine Melania Trump." Was Mercedes not available?

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Somehow I think that the $3 billion valuation is as wildly overstated as almost every other Turnip property. It's really hard to make a social media site break even, y'all. It's even harder to make it profitable. Stock valuations of social media are always made on the estimate of future profit that frequently never materializes.

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