How much did tRump promise to pay you for trolling an article six months after it went up?

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I believe the term is "Asiatic."

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Cartoon Network bottles water?

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Mine have chunks of enteric-coated LSD-25 that are time released hours later, so Dictator Trump's food tasters don't notice anything unusual.

But that would be WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!1!1!

Can you imagine having to babysit a Nazi Salesman while he's tripping balls?


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Chef Paul Prudhomme libel!!!1!1

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If Trump seizes power, your cozy cave will soon be overrun with refugees

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Is that the one that has the diner with the Dick Tater hash browns special?

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Unfortunately your corporate suckup laws, well...suck

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Foreign objects? It's the Kung POW.

Donald likes his chicken spicyhttps://youtu.be/tGuXxHTgdWk

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WTF? It's the employers CHOICE to accept plastic, not the servers?https://media2.giphy.com/me...

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Well, what rock star would want ooze like that?

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I'm having enough trouble imagining a Nazi salesman. Discounts on the slightly used Arayans?

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Same here.

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You know when water freezes in rusty pipes, and the ice breaks the pipes apart, and then it thaws enough to start leaking rusty water, then it gets cold again and the rusty water forms lumps of orange-brown ice that is unfit for humans and bad for the infrastructure of the plumbing?That stuff.

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Except apparently the Trump steaks were not a successful product, and nobody wanted them.

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Donald Trump has already given us several "Greg Stillson moments" and it doesn't seem to have made a bit of difference.

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