Stephen Colbert held up his copy on camera on Monday night's show.

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Thanks for the link. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Karma has withheld it's might for Trump's entire life. Here's hoping for an end to karma's patience.

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I said this above before scrolling through the comments.

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But if these guys want to kick the shit out of each other for our amusement during the election, we ain't mad about it. https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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Even if he doesn't make any royalties, he still gets to keep the advance.

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According to the Washington Post, "Trump asked China’s Xi to help him win reelection, according to Bolton book"! So what did Trump promise Xi in return?


So, now on top of everything else, Trump is plagiarizing the writers of "Veep"!

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When John Bolton is the good guy.

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Yep. I subscribe to the belief that the world will end when everything that's possible to happen has happened. Wacko shit like this makes me a little sad because it puts us that much closer.

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Good luck

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Maybe Bolton is gambling that Trump won't be in the white house next year, so the DOJ won't be misused and abused into acting as his personal lawyer. Bolton just has to make this case drag past January 20, and President Biden will probably talk to Attorney General Harris about dropping it.

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Does he have a dog?

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Not a lawyer, but I thought that NDAs signed by government employees (aka public employees) aren't binding? They work for the government—US!—not Trump personally. I understand the classification stuff if they can prove that he actually includes classified information (though based on the prior reviews with non-Ellis, it seems like he has removed anything that may have been in there originally?), but just on the grounds of an NDA doesn't make sense to me.

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When it rains it pours. The census called. I start Monday.

I is a Fed.

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THat's not a law. That's a contractual agreement between bookstore and publisher so that the bookstores can be guaranteed to have a stock when people start asking for it and that one bookstore can't f* all the others just because it happened to get its shipment first.

Law schools in the Great White North will tell you that contract IS enforceable, even in the legal wildlands of Canada.

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What. The. Hell. Is. That?

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Ha ha... no idea. Just came up when I search for K.O.

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