Sneezy is now calling upon all governors and senior election officials in the right-thinking states to work together in order to investigate — and take action to protect our elections from — foreign interference. Ask the feds for evidence and publicly disclose if/when the information is withheld by the feds. Cooperate with (or regulate) in-state social media providers to clearly label posts made by bots and by country of origin. Protect voting machines and voter lists. Other ideas Sneezy hasn’t thought of. Get ‘er done!

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And SCOTUS is about to allow the citizenship question on the census.

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I still think there’s a better than even chance he’s an asset. Probably doesn’t know it but an asset nonetheless.

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Oh I think in Russian circles he’s an asset for sure. They just know how to manipulate him to get what they want.

I still want to know what was discussed in the completely off the record meetings between trump and pooty

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I admit I also didn't get the "getting the Heisman" reference, mainly because I'm not only a sportsball fan but also the rebuffee from certain ladies. So I had to Google it up and then I got the gist because the Heisman Trophy features the sculpture with the player with a "stiff arm " extended as if to "rebuff" tacklers - or, apparently in the slang sense, to rebuff a member of the opposite sex or anything else you don't want. Who knew the Wonkette was educational!

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Not sure why there is a problem with supporting any particular candidate right now. I will support whoever gets the nom (even Tulsi god forbid) but my man right now is Buttigieg and my woman is Warren. The end.

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It's mathematically possible without the Russians if vote suppressing monster from hell Kris Kobach and the Republican Party in general get their way.

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Well, leave it to Maggie to launch Frau Blucher’s rehabilitation tour.

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The "Buttmentum" is an almost irresistible turn of phrase. Go ahead, resist. I dare ya.

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Cloris Leachman libelz

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Ask any abuse survivor. They know *exactly* what it's like.

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That he’s insecure and talk of Russian interference makes him feel bad about his election is the COVER STORY. His pitching fits about people mentioning it is to keep them from talking about it, and thus doing anything about it for the 2020 election. It’s not that trump's over emotional, it’s an actual plan.

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Foetid faeces libel.

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Alternatively, if Preznit Dampnut commits crimes because his fee fees are hurt, it's totes OK!And SO WHAT if (R)ussia substantially interfered with our election by stealing emails and engaging in a pervasive social media influence campaign targeted to key swing states based on internal polling data shared by the Trump campaign. If it works for a (R), we're good!

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Ah, yes. The well-placed, impossible-to-source leak to the NYT to burnish one's reputation: a staple of the general and general-adjacent since the days of MacArthur and LeMay. Kelly taught her well.

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