I'm guessing you're from Singapore?

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It may also be that they had that one asshole act like Trump, get reported to HR, and the CEO decided "fuck that shit, I'll send the all-hands email".

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Intelligence does not equal Wisdom. Also, a parrot could probably recite half of what they were educated on.

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Let's suppose Fox were right, as opposed to the reality where they simply can't read.

California law protects against discrimination on the basis of political activity. Federal law doesn't.

Is Fox suggesting that the US should adopt California anti-discrimination law? If not, then they should be applauding what their lack of reading comprehension tells them Maloney "wrote".

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Shaun King has been collecting and tweeting incidents of Trump related harassment. He has too many. If you can read through these and still say that you don't think people assume that his winning gives them permission to act like assholes, then I guess you'll have to check back in with us in about three months. https://twitter.com/ShaunKing

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My own Dad, a very intelligent man (who did NOT vote for Trump) actually said that Obamacare was a disaster and he didn't want to pay for other people's healthcare. I told him I am more than willing to pay a little more in taxes so that other people don't have to fucking DIE, and it actually got him to shut up about it. Finally. It's not JUST the right wingers. Sometimes people on our side of the fence need a good kick in the reasoning, too.And welcome! Troll-poking sticks are available, you'll find them in the pantry, next to those cakes we like.

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What if Illinois is one of those hippy states like California that has its own Civil Rights Act?

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But he doesn't care about his children. I mean other than Izvespa, cause she's hot and he'd do her in a minute if she weren't his daughter or so he claims.

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I say it often and I are a native-born Merkin.

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START the rumor?! Have you read Dead Breitbart's Home for Basement-Dwelling Panty-Sniffers?

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My cousin worked for the big orange hardware store, where he was given two warnings and anti-harassment training after sexually harassing a female employee (did I mention he is married, 30-something and pasty white?). His defense was, "I was kidding. Besides, she should be flattered." He is now with our state energy supplier, where he is on his 4th re-assignment because of complaints of bigotry and racism (Pres Obama is a Muslim blah blah blah). He is still employed at a solid salary, in a union job. Too bad he didn't run for President, he might have been a contender.

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You're giving this 4,500% more thought than the Fox propagandists did. Their approach is to twist, tilt, and warp the information until it qualifies as wingnut outrage bait, then broadcast it under the guise of "news". That's all Murdoch pays them to do.

Fun experiment: Google the "Chelsea Clinton wedding paid from foundation funds" crapfest, scan through countless hits for wingnuttosphere bullshit websites, and see if you can find a legitimate source that has the truth. And think about how depressingly few (~2) people bothered to do it (while 50,000,000 crazy uncles grumbled at yet more proof that Hillary is corrupt.)

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Brass plated. The fucknut base can't tell the difference.

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Meet the new boss, you dumbfucks.

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Has there ever been a RWNJ 'boycott' that generated anything more than a couple of Fox "News" blurbs? Within two days, the goobers are on to the next Fauxrage - much like Donnie, they don't have the attention span of a fruit fly. (Literally: the fly, at least, can focus on a banana for more than a day.)

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Point is, the racists know who they are - which is what makes their outrage hilarious: "Hey, you're talking about Trump supporters!!"

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