My mother is an avid brainwashed Fox News watcher and Trump supporter. It gets on my nerves, but we have agreed not to discuss politics. Even though my mother and I don't get along very well in the best of times, I wouldn't let our (strained) relationship go over politics. Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.

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What annoys me is the way they drain their poutine tanks in the street at midnight.

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Are we ever going back to 'normal' again? I really wish we could.

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It seems to me that ever since the GOP formed an unholy alliance with the Religious Right, they've sold their souls. There is nothing of Christ in these Christian nationalist power brokers.

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I would love to see a wave of stories written by young reporters who go to racially diverse diners in Democratic precincts and ask the voters why they vote for Democrats, and how they feel about forty years of Republican smears, BIg Lies, political sabotage, and oh yes, the theft of the federal judiciary.

Maybe a sidebar or two about folks who have been targeted for death threats because Tucker Carlson has decided to turn his viewers loose on them (when right wingers do "cancel culture," they do it with AR 15s).

Instead, day after day, month in, year out, the young reporters sprint to all-white diners in deep red districts to take the pulse of America: thereby missing most of it.

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Until they elect the next Trump.

Removing the tumor doesn't remove the cancer.

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Fuck 'em. Ending family ties is hard. But supporting Trump is a sign of moral failure.

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Oh....so you type between the two s?

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After a 30 minute keelhauling.

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Fuck 'em.My Trump-supporting relatives have been 'joking' for years at reunions about shooting the out-of-town liberals in the family -- since long before Trump was on the scene. I'm done with them unless they show some self-awareness and contrition. My sister gaslights me and my parents, pretending to be open to logic, but she never seems to change her views on anything. I've had to explain to my parents about concern trolling. Her adult kids range from being merely crazy QAnon devotees to full-on racist assholes. One of my nieces is STILL posting FrontLineDoctors videos about how the virus is a hoax and masks don't work. (BTW: She's getting her general-ed requirements out of the way in preparation to apply to nursing school. Good fucking luck with that.) Fuck 'em, I say.

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That has been my experience as well.

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I SO much wish that other states had the cross-endorsements that NY does. (Do any other states?) It is an absolutely brilliant way to let people express an emphasis on particular issues while still voting for one of two choices in binary races. I hope things went well.

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HEY!!!! Hotdish is NOT a Trump thing! It is a thing of people who live in cold places and like to load carbs & fat! Please do not take hotdish away from us!

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but you can't tell them that cos then you are discriminating against their religion

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I know, but I'll play the odds.

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