If this election is not a clear-cut victory (sadly, for either side), there WILL be a civil war, between military amateurs.

If #Bunkerboy wins, his bullyboys will take that as a "fanal," (German for "signal") to finally crush the "libtards," blacks, Jews, socialists, Muslims, et al, who have wrecked America, and will do so, with the cops and Trump-filled judiciary cheering them on.

If #Bunkerboy loses, his bullyboys will see a different "fanal," saying that aforementioned "libtards" had "rigged" the election to put Lenin himself in power and a kosher delicatessen flying the hammer-and-sickle on every street corner. And they will go out and cause the same disruptive chaos.

Putin must be laughing his head off.

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Notice how many Trumpetoons are not wearing masks. As Richard Dreyfus says so well in "Jaws" of some idiots going out to hunt the shark: "They're all gonna die."

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All of next week's lunch money says the police and many of these folks are neighbors.

Clark County is only so big, and more PPB officers live in Washington state (177 total) than in Portland proper.

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Count on it.

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Lol. We all know the type, I think. Late bro was a Harley rider from way back, & finally bought his dream machine about 4 yrs before his death. He & Late Hubs used argue bikes alla time (LH was a BMW guy). One of LH's arguments was that 60+% of the time you can't really ride a Harley, cause you're wrenchin' on it. Late bro "That's half the fun of a Harley!"

Also too: Ever seen a skinny weedy little guy try to handle a big heavy bike? Might as well call the ER now -- it's gonna be crash city.

I donut get the appeal myself -- but that it exists, no question. Not all bikers are dumbasses -- but I would argue that the ones who went to Sturgis are the Kings/Queens of Wishful Thinking.

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*Looks for The White Man's Overbite*

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This^^^ At least the off-duty cops among them did.

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He could be a troll. Do you know if he is an actual person, though? Anecdotal stories are not evidence.

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Proves your ammo-sexual bona-fides and exposes that you suffer from E.D.

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I respect your right to your opinion I just strongly disagree. Your example wasn’t elaborated upon just stated by you as if mere mention of it was enough. It’s not.

When white supremacists leafletted my neighborhood I protested, I spoke about it to anyone who would listen and I eventually got a copy of the leaflet in the hands of our congressman who investigated, charged and convicted the person responsible. I could have shrugged my shoulders worried if in response to my actions there might be violence and yielded to the racists. But I didn’t.

The counter- protests in Charlottesville were originally in support of racist confederate statue removal. The shite (-ok thanks spellcheck!) supremacists usurped the issue to spread their hate. The counter-protestors who were largely peaceful acted in solidarity to resist the message of the neo Nazis. The good they created through their resistance far outweighed whatever negatives they may also have been responsible for. You may not agree and that’s fine.

Because the Nazi fucks came prepared to fight your argument is that everyone else should have stayed home and let them have their way. Perhaps there are times to use that strategy. However we are now engaged in a real physical and cultural struggle for the moral and democratic identity of this nation. Silence means assent. Not showing up to counter racist assholes may avoid violence but it also gives them control over the messaging. That’s a dangerous power to allow them to wield and wield it they will and do.

I’m not a fan of violence but I’m even less of a fan of hiding when others are doing wrong. Would you have preferred the protestors in the civil rights struggle sat by because the Bull Connors were ready with their dogs and batons? Peaceful means of protest are absolutely the first line of defense but when that isn’t enough some of us will be willing to fight and that is not only not wrong it may be the ultimate act that saves us.

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Fair enough. Personally I’m fascinated by the way people are so easily manipulated like that. That’s some scary shit when you can denigrate service members so blatantly and they still support you.

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I see these...parades or whatever they call them, and wonder just how many people are this brainwashed. Then recently in my neighborhood I am seeing more trump flags and this week the appearance of cars with pro Trump messages painted on the Windows. Selling the house, paying off my student loans, splitting anything that might be left (which will be pretty much nothing), is not sounding like a bad idea anymore. Finding rentals that allow medium sized dogs, or pets at all, is difficult, but I may have to start looking. Perhaps this is not where I need to be planted...

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Thank you for attempting to support your position because it allows me to see why you are reaching the wrong conclusion and why you are getting the exact wrong lesson from Charlottesville

Quite simply, you are reaching the wrong conclusion because you have the underlying facts wrong

1) the fact that there were going to be violent Nazi and White Supremacist groups present at Charlottesville was well known and widely reported in the local media

2) the city knowing that violence was likely attempted to enjoin the rally and tried to move Unite the Right to a much larger park outside of the business district and away from UVA - a lawsuit from the Rutherford Institute and the ACLU of Virginia on behalf of the Basement Nazis ended that attempt

3) several participants in the Charlottesville Unite the Right Rally were known to have criminal records for violent crimes and had previously engaged in published assaults

4) the City and state governments publicly warned people to not go to Charlottesville because there was likely to be violence (again, many of the participants were known by law enforcement to be violent)

5) Either the City of Charlottesville or the Commonwealth posted variable message boards throughout Charlottesville warning people of the rally and saying avoid going to that area

6) UVA warned people against going to their campus and tried to keep the Nazis off of their grounds

7) civil rights groups and religious groups in Virginia publicly told people to not engage in counterprotests in Charlottesville - they set up services and counter protests in several other cities

8) not only did the above groups publicly warn people to not go to Charlottesville, they publicly warned people to leave the City if they could

In short, everyone knew well in advance that Unite the Right was a rally of violent Nazis - that fact was repeatedly broadcast on local news and civil rights and religious groups sent out emails to that effect

As the rally became closer, there was even more evidence that it would turn violent - and many businesses closed

On Friday night, the Tiki Torch march took place - any question that they were violent Nazis were removed by there being fights on the UVA campus - on Saturday morning the news reported the videos of them chanting - as well as the fights - that UTR were violent Nazis was without question

Despite the repeated warnings, counterdemonstrations being set up elsewhere, and actual violent fighting the night before, people still went out to confront the Nazis - and for what purpose? Its not like people didn't know UTR were Nazis - and its not like the fact that they were violent Nazis wasn't reported - and again, law enforcement already were tracking those groups knowing they were violent. And its not like protests against the Nazis accomplished anything - the City of Charlottesville wanted to remove the statutes and the Virginia government was already opposed to violent Nazis

After Charlottesville, the UTR participant groups are being systemically dismantled via law suit and criminal charges against individuals - in part because the Nazis rampaged all over the City of Charlottesville - however less well known is that some Antifa groups have also been enjoined from going back to Charlottesville because they went for the purpose of fighting Nazis

And the same well known violent groups from Charlottesville are going other places - the difference is that they learned to pick less obvious names - you and i might both know that Patriot Prayer are Nazis but does the average viewer? Or does the average viewer see that and think "Trump is right those Antifas really are dangerous "? And even if they do realize y'all are going against Nazis does stooping to the level of violent Nazis actually help anyone? The answer to that is a resounding no

The rest of your post is ludicrous - and a perfect illustration for why you Antifas are really helping Trump. Bull Connor had actual power - the loser marching around Charlottesville with a Tiki Torch saying "Jews will not replace us" doesn't - the fact that Klansmen or Nazis are for something tends to turn people against that thing. The Civil Rights protesters were also staging their own protests - they weren't saying "don't let J.B. Stoner" speak - and why not, even the garden variety racists found J.B. Stoner horrible because they could tell he was a Nazi.

And showing up to protest against the Nazis gives them way more power than they deserve - you let them speak and everyone sees what impotent fools they are. The corporate right wing media doesn't defend the Klan because everyone knows they are bad. You don't let them speak and people don't know that - and then the narrative is "the libs are silencing free speech." And the Basement Nazis are Trolls - they want attention. And you are giving them exactly what they want.

And that is why you are wrong

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Those are individuals who NEVER should've been in the US military in the first place.

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Mid 50s and raining in KC. It was 90 on Monday, then back to more normal 80ish by the weekend.

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The worst part of it is that there are something like 3 guns for every American.

If they shoot at the government, we know what happens: the government wins, from the Whiskey Rebellion to Waco.

If they shoot at each other....then what?

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