One trump cup with extra loogie topping

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I can post now?

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What happens if there are two of them at once (Ewww, two Drumpfs)? Second Amendment solution, anyone?

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#freeammo at X location

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Starbucks is burnt anyway. There's plenty of local places I could get a $4 cup of coffee that's not burnt.

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Let's see how many spellings they can use: Drumpf, Drumpity Dumpty, Drumpster Fire, Trumpet, Tramp, DRump...Yes they should definitely spend a lot of time protesting something that never happened by spending money there.

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Every time one of these morons orders, an employee should take their break, get the next spot in line, and order a coffee under the name "is a tiny-handed Crybaby".

The barista will then make both, and call them out in order.

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Actually, given how common it is for them to misspell names, they could really get away with some plausible deniability alternatives-

Latte for Dump!

Cappuccino for Chump!

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SB fucked up when they asked people to not pack heat- even if the SB was in a 'concealed carry' fucked up state.

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It's not about "boycotting" it's about making the baristas dance and sing Trump's name in public and throwing a righteous fit if the baristas don't.

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these are the grumpiest , angry and whiniest winners EVER. Can you imagine what the AHs would have done if they lost? Hillary up 1.5M so far and growing

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So, I'm thinking about "boycotting" ghey bars by going into them, spending lots of money, and then going home with gheys and yelling "TRUMP" as they cum in my ass. That'll teach 'em their place, I'll tell you..

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Exasperated sighs will be the next form of oppression these poor souls will have to endure...

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don't forget to tip!

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The barista's got a tip for him...

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Nothing says "I am very smart, the smartest" - like intentionally harassing and trying to upset the people who handle your food.

I used to work at a chain coffee shop. Giving decaf to assholes was just one of the many not-technically-in-violation-of-foodservice-laws things they can do without you even realizing it.

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