Cate Blanchett of the Plains here gives it the old college try, but in the end, the only relevent issue is what Bill Clinton did with his dick in the '90's and why that's Hillary's fault. #FFS.

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I think Howie was drinking when he wrote this drivel. Allegedly.

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it's not like a nuclear device is that difficult to make. the little boy bomb was basically a gun that fired a plutonium bullet into a plutonium target, and set off an atomic chain reaction.

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Are any of Trump's surrogates normal? They all sound deranged.

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would a sane person take the job? especially considering Deadbeat Don's reputation for not paying his contractors.of course, there is always the "too dumb to read the warning signs" option

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you have to ask?

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Senator Al Franken, if you please.Thank you, Minnesota- you've gone a long way toward making up for Michele Bachman; just keep reelecting Al, and all will be forgiven

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"...the Iranian nuclear deal. Because that could end up killing tens of millions of Americans"

Trump: "We have nukes. Why can't we use 'em?"

I don't believe anyone would be around to write history books after that :)

"These people who think that adultery causes earthquakes. These people who execute homosexuals"

Oh, so NOT the GOP Christo-fascists who cozy up to "Kill the gays" fundies and blame evil sluts for earthquakes?

"I believe in diversity" says Trump surrogate defending a balls out racist.

It's like they're flying on auto-pilot after the guy driving the plane drops dead of heart failure in the cockpit.

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The only thought the PC/Mac ads ever provoke in me is...

"Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those peepers?"

Can't help it.


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You don't need to get it. Just Belieeeeebe.

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Why do liberals continue to demand coherency from people who believe critical thinking is Satan tempting them?

Give it up: http://www.politico.com/sto...

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I. Can't. Even. I'm engaged in a spiritual campaign this week: No complaining. So I'd better just shut up.

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None. All deplorable, all the time.

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not to mention screws a whole lot of US and international companies out of infrastructure deals signed and enabled by said Iran deal, yup!

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I listen to Talk Radio because I always want to know where the hell these people are coming from or going to, and to a person they are already a little depressed knowing Obama will peacefully leave office. He was such a perfect target for their audience, being all foreign and black and all.They face a difficult choice, Hillary guarantees at least four more years of outrage and career. Trump might be the end of it, but their audience demands they pimp for him, even though he portends an economic collapse that will destroy the advertising revenue of their affiliates when their careers are already tottering. I mean, poor Sean Hannity is promoting a gimmicky wrinkle cream. Sad!

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According to Pat and his late(?) pal Jerry Falwell, America brought 9-11 on itself by allowing that homosexuality and abortion. 9-11 was God's work, but the Rev. Wright was out of line when he spoke about America's chickens...wait, you mean adultery DOESN'T cause earthquakes??

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