Hahahaha! I never made that connection til now.

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Those who should be worried ARE!This is not going to be pretty but IT'S TIME TO DRAIN THE SWAMP.PS Patel is only a lackey to those who are trying to STOP THE TRUTH.

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I was a lawyer, although I withdrew from practice in favor cracking jokes, but I never snagged an Order on Ineptitude in either line of work.

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Must be some really unique tuning.

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And so many lawyers have done magnificently. None of the fakers and hoaxers are lawyers. Not a single one!

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How about an en masse coordinated walkout of State Department, DNI, and DOJ employees? I get that would be radical but so is everything Trump is doing. Desperate times yada yada yada.

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I’m really developing a morbid fascination with the numerous clowns that have failed upwards in Trumpworld. What goes on inside their heads? Is there some level on which they are aware that they are all incompetent hacks and see this as their once in a lifetime opportunity to rise far above their level of competence?

I’ve never heard Kash Patel speak, but just from the descriptions of him, I suspect he truly believes that he is a super-genius who can just bullshit his way through any situation. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The idea that all of Trumpworld are pod people from outer space who are plotting to destroy our society from within is not the least implausible theory for how we got here.

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I'll take your word for it on the panties thing.

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Pay-Per-Diem U?

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Here's hoping they laugh uproariously as they walk out.

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With Bloomberg I only worry that we’d just be switching “their” asshole with “our kinda-sorta-but-not-really-just-kidding-no-I’m-not” asshole.

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Devin Nunes,is Mitch McConnell EVIL.

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