Or when you budget money for strippers and hookers for an evening?

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NATO's spending is like a business, right? Or a family budget?

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The Chinese may make those green hats for you Mistur Twump, but they're laughing their asses off when they do. https://randomwire.com/gree...

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It is the GOP primary, so the latter.

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1860 is calling, and wants its anti-Lincoln voters back?

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Yeah, I've had that happen several times...it was a red hat, they have a visceral reaction to it. Then they look at the front and breath a sigh of relief.

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String theory is mathematics, not physics. That's your misunderstanding.

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Maggot brain, more like it.

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Even worse, it wasn't even a good comic book. They had Rob Liefeld draw it.

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Not a major part of the story, but I am strongly in favor of the way Trump's massive ego leads him to constantly humiliate other men and women with massive egos, like Pat Roberts. They deserve him, even if the rest of us don't.

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I got one side-eye glance the first time I wore mine, but then the side-eyer saw the message on the front and immediately gave me an enthusiastic thumbs-up and asked me where I got it.

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It could be worse.

It could be coloring books.

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When they start using the shaped blocks and the box with matching holes to explain NATO’s defense spending requirement, we should officially announce that the United States will be on vacation until Trump is no longer President.

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That's in an ANTI-DeSantis commercial? DeSantis is one of the biggest Trumpsters on the hill. What are they having in Florida, a race for Governor or for King Douchebag?

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I wonder if the cars and medical devices had big eyes and large breasts.

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