That's hockey mom.

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That's her job.

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Spy Magazine had his number in the 80s.

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Or they're lazy.Or it's not their job to do anything except repeat what they're told. Or it's just the political news culture: investigative reporting or challenging politicians is rude, and not the way we do things here.

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If Trump was serious about reducing opiate abuse, he'd resign.

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Those hooker pee tapes must be fucking amazing. Like Japanese bukakke-level obscene.

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Isn't LaRouche dead yet? Please?


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You're right - it's the money, and the fact that Don has convinced himself that he's great buddies with the Russians oligarchs.

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Dear United States of Americans...how can I put this as I lurve you'all etc...Build a big wall and let the grown ups sort things out for a few years? Please? Love, the rest of the planet.Also you never said I could start drinking damn you.

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I guess lobbying is just a future's market for politicians. If that's the case, American politicians really can be bought and sold like a common commodity. And, the Ol' Pussy Grabber could shoot ANYONE except the Putangin on Fifth Ave and his supporters wouldn't care as long as they continue being obscenely, yet figuratively, raped by the richest in the world.

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Don't forget the Mooch suddenly selling his interests in his business to Chinese "businessmen" at a suspiciously high rate.

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Spanking America?

Next thing you know he'll be wanting Putin to pee all over America.

Though they sort of already did that in 2016.

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brain surgery by tweet

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I guess there is an equivalent to day drinking during the Ol' Pussy Grabber's stint at squatting in the WH. But, what would it be? First 100 days drinking? Inaugural drinking? As in, "I started drinking during the inauguration, and I haven't stopped?" Are we like frogs put in a pot while the heat slowly increases so that we never notice? How can this kind of shyte be tolerated? What the fuck is happening to us? Will drinking even more even help? Should I start doing other recreational drugs? Will that help? Will the world ever make sense again?

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