I see an incorrect statement in the headline. Trump thinks. No he does not. Trump is a puerile fool. This fucking idiot child has never had an original thought in his miserable life that didn't come from his weird parents. Daddy was a racist so little Donny followed right along. He continues that everyday. That is the legacy of the Trump family.

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"But when you’re policing people’s gender, everybody becomes fair game!"

That sentence works equally as well with "everybody" as one word or two.

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Again, you write goodly.

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I had a kid in my class last spring with a headache one day, and found out it was not one of our nurse's days at the school (two days a week only). I am forbidden by law to pass out medication right down to cough drops (which I freely dispense, they're even sugar-free), so the kid suffered. If only he had wanted reassignment surgery!

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"Please. 25 percent of schools don’t even have nurses."

LOVE this subheading!

When I was just a sprout in grade school, I was shoved during a particularly violent basketball game and fell, scraping the entire side of my body from heel to shoulder. I was actually taken to a real live school nurse, who disinfected my wounds, put bandaids on the worst, and said, "Well, the good thing about skin, it grows back."

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In Germany in the Army, I slid a moped on a black-cinder track and picked up a load of gravel in my right knee, hip, and elbow. It was really packed in. I went to sick call and the Army nurse told me to go home and scrub it out myself. Compassion!

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You can still see bits of it in those locations. I left Germany, but it never left me!

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Now you've piqued my curiosity...how did you get (most) of the fragments out?

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I ended up shaming the nurse into doing it. After her smoke break.

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I'm picturing her using a Brillo pad.

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Donald Trump is so evil that he's perfectly happy to lie every word out of his mouth but he's too lazy and stupid to realize what constitutes a plausible lie. If you're ever in a room with Donald Trump, just casually mention that you can run a five-minute mile. I guarantee he'll respond with: "That's nothing, I can run a two-minute mile."

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I'm so old I remember when Dilbert was funny. Back then there was a strip where the characters demanded to be treated with enough respect to be told believable lies.

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"Dilbert" did use to be funny. WTF happened to that guy?

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He became a raging misogynist. Sad.

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“Well, you can do everything,” he responded ominously. “President has such power. It does. It has such power.”

That's Trumpian for "Fucked if I know."

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He also speaks like someone who doesn't know English yet is trying to get by. What the fuck is “President has such power. It does. It has such power.”

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My first LOL of the day, on September 4, 2024.

Thank you.

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PAB has it all wrong, the transgenders get that way when normal kids get into electric cars and are driven to school, and the batteries cause them to get the woke mind virus.

Either that or God is getting sloppy about where he is placing those boy and girl spirits and as the number of babbies getting borned keeps increasing he's* just not keeping up with his work and is popping the wrong spirits in the boy and girl bodies. It's just science!

*as in this example God is fallible then it's obvious that God is male.

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Geography? I don't think that's taught in schools either

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From what most Americans reply when queried about the rest of the world, or other parts of the US for that matter I don't think it ever was.

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Someone once joked that American high school graduates couldn't find the planet Earth — on a globe.

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The thing about so many Republicans is, they don't just exaggerate, they flat make things up, and then when they've been exposed for doing so, they quintuple down on the lie and put a cherry on top.

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Jeff Tiedrich is a Substack must follow. He wrote an amazing exegesis on this whole shit, and is completely correct in placing the blame on our legacy media. To wit:

“the transgender thing is incredible. think of it: your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. the school decides what’s going to happen with your child — and you know many of these childs, fifteen years later, say, ‘what the hell happened? who did this to me?’”

first of all, yes, this demented moron actually said ‘childs.’

second, what in the actual fuck is this fever-swamp fairy tale? it’s obviously not true. no school anywhere is making unilateral decisions about gender reassignment surgery. but apart from that, none of Donny’s story makes one lick of sense.

your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation.

seriously? let’s take Donny at his word and play this scenario out. you hand little Johnny his lunch, pat him on the head and send him off to school. that afternoon, he fails to come off the bus. concerned, you call the school. I’m sorry, Mrs. Johnson, we can’t tell you anything. but don’t worry. Johnny’s fine. he’ll be home in a few days.

three days later, the school bus pulls up and here comes little Johnny. except he’s wearing a dress. he’s Janey now.

according to Donny, this ludicrous scenario is playing out in schools across the nation, right now. but Donny spewing this story is not the insane part. the insane part is that Donny’s deranged worshipers believe every word of this lunacy.

because that’s how cults work. everything Dear Leader tells you is gospel. once you believe that a shot-to-pieces ear can magically regenerate itself in three days, you’ll believe anything.

it’s only a matter of time before some unhinged idiot, worked up into a rage and terrified that their own little Cletus is going one day to come home Cletusette, takes up his AR-15 and wanders into the nearest hospital to mete out quote-unquote ‘justice.’

because we’ve seen this before. we’ve all seen Planned Parenthood clinics bombed and doctors gunned down — all because some deranged gullible fool believed some cynical demagogue’s lie.

so where are the worthless scribblers of the corporate-controlled media? shouldn’t they be raising alarms? shouldn’t they at least be reporting on this?

sorry, Charlie. the press is too busy turning over every stone, trying to get to the bottom of this whole vitally-important did Kamala really work at McDonald’s thing.

Harris has made this claim repeatedly over the years, and multiple reputable news outlets have reported on the story. But, aside from Harris’ testimony itself, there is no evidence (such as a photo, employment record, or confirmation from a friend or family member) to independently verify the claim. We’ve reached out to Harris’ campaign and McDonald’s and we’ll update this report when, or if, we learn more.

wonderful. excellent use of resources. yes, please get back to us just as soon as you ferret out the truth. our votes are hinging on it.

by the way, the Guardian did cover Donny’s tale of what he calls ‘the transgender thing.’ here’s how they framed it.

“Trump went to make another wildly misleading claim”

I’m sorry, but no — it’s not a ‘misleading claim.’ it’s a monstrous lie — one that sooner or later is going to get someone killed.

the press has really been working overtime to cover themselves with glory these days.

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Ta, Robyn. I am really tired of lies.

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"HELLO, ...custodians office? Yeah, ...listen, this is Nurse Phlegm in the clinic.. Can you send someone around to empty the penis jar. Thanks."

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The penises are not in a jar.

They went to a nice farm upstate, where they can romp and play in the fresh air.

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It's where they collect the tips. And so forth.

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I'm literally rolling on the floor laughing at this comment. Clever you!

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Me too!

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She had her hands full.

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Pick any interview or rally speech in the past month, in which Trump engages in extemporaneous speech, and:

1. Trump cant possibly pronounce multi-syllabic words like "extemporaneous" without stumbling over them (usually he avoids big words), and

2. He will have at least a few moments when he just strings together unrelated sentence fragments, saying nothing coherent, until he circles back around to a more familiar subject for which he has a few overworked, canned thoughts, and sorta gets back on track.

We talk about his declining mental faculties, but I think the tipping point is here, and I encourage everybody to keep the cameras rolling.

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He calls this ‘the weave’. Many English professors admire him for this technique. He sez. I find this interesting because what he speaks, isn’t really English. It may bear a passing resemblance to English, but it isn’t English.

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For a real eye-opener, find some footage of him from 2015 or so. He was capable of speaking in entire, coherent paragraphs back then. So when you look at where he's at these days, the decline is completely apparent.

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We watched the Ken Burns series on New York City.

At the end, there was an interview where T***p circa 1990 spoke briefly.

I, of course, screamed and flipped off the TV, but my husband, who is more easy-going than I am, listened thoughtfully.

After a moment, he said, "Listen how together he sounds. He can't do that now."

Not, "He doesn't sound like that now"; "He CAN'T do that now".

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Maybe a contentious debate will precipitate the sort of episode that removes him from the public eye.

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Only if he dies.

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If only.

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Reprise from early this morning:

𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩?

They also heard from Trump in what was billed as a “fireside chat” with Justice, which jumped from topic to topic (𝑒𝑑.: 𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡-𝑝𝑒𝑑𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑁𝑌𝑇.) such as Ivanka’s clothing line, his mother’s Scottish origins, and his reality TV show, the Apprentice.

Trump and Justice also talked about transgender students participating in sports. Justice said that there has been “an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender” and asked what he would be “able to do as president.”

“Well, you can do everything,” Trump said. “The president has such power.”

The audience cheered and applauded.


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"You can do anything. When you're president they let you do it."

All these years and nothing has changed. Whatta maroon.

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Even grabb em by the (...).

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