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The POS is just training his seals that their power doesn't have to be won at the ballot box.

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If Republicans think that Trump will be talking a tear from now about anything but STOP THE STEAL, they have a shock coming.This is just who the man is. This is what he really cares about -- winning the 2020 election.

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From the video description (also a crawl at the beginning):

Dedidcated to the Sin and Illnesses of the world including the COVID-19 originally created by the (NEGATIVE FORCE) of the Universe, who is putting (FEAR) in people and causing them to panic worlwide.[sic throughout] https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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“Sorry, guys. I know you all thought you were going to be one of those paying a nickel for your cigarettes in Galt Gulch. That’ll be a fine last thought for you as the starving remnants of the society of takers closes in with their flensing tools.”


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he has not learned, has he - he suppressed his own voters will to vote with the shenanigans last time, but he hasn't learned that lesson

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that is the threat he is making - like any toddler threatening a tantrum, but he is more than capable of destroying a country

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i've never solved a cubits rube... wait, that's not right...

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if they omit it, i'm sure a party of volunteers can be arranged to rectify that

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the other 98 per cent?

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He’s a putrid, wheezy gasbag of insecurity and self-hate who can never get enough flattery and groveling to feel full because it’s simply never enough to convince his most unshakeable critic, himself. That’s what drives him. Trump isn’t complicated, he’s deeply flawed. When you couple a man with such a gaping wound in his soul, of course he will forever use his money and power to attempt to mend it. His dying words will be, “tell me I’m great, I really am, right?” It’s why he is so utterly ill-suited to public service. Service to himself is his only real trade.

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That simultaneously looks cool and unstable.

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I think that is underselling conservative fraudeurs, they're at least as competent as liberal fraudeurs!

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No, the USA truly does suck more than the rest of the world. There's nothing similar in the rest of the world.

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