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Fingers crossed.

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Yeah, but I think the majority was slim and turn out for that vote was less than half. Hence the general skepticism. I mean I'd like for them to sign on fully, but we're gonna have to put in a lot of work to make it worth their while.

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Spreadsheet already compiled since reading this.

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oh nice! here's that white hot rage again.

the whole corrupt NSGQP has to go. they're traitors, cheaters, liars, racists, and they're a danger to the country and the whole world.

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Correct, from what I remember, most of the people who are against statehood boycotted the vote. It really is some complex stuff...I'm from there and for the longest time I wanted us to be our own country but I could see how that could end up further destroying things for those of us living on the island. Now, I'm leaning towards statehood, if only to try and get a tiny fraction of all that we've been owed. Ugh

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Oh, Canada should totally do this. Imagine how awesome it would be for Canadians to go on tropical vacation without leaving the country!

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Which is my hidden agenda. Warmth in January!

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Joint Congressional hearings with subpoena power and invocation of contempt of Congress RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.


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VI, too

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Glad they got their money. Now, make 'em a state (if that's what they want).

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What ever happened to the idea of annexing the Turks and Cacos to Nova Scotia? Other than Canadians not really wanting any more black people, that is.

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WHY? It never should have been US territory in the first place. Not being a Puerto Rican resident, I have no say, but it would be better off as an independent nation, or in union with Cuba.

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Ta, Liz.

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Send Carson and Vought to Guantanamo until they answer every question

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Gitmo is an unconstitutional abomination. It was opened to deny our captives their civil rights. It needs to go away.

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