Dang! So many dead eyes.

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Why do you asp?

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MASA, pronounced "Masser" for all the house N****s...

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you sound like you read a lot of Larry Niven!

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We must not allow a tungsten mineshaft gap!

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Why even pretend not to be evil?

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That's the light switch Biden should have hidden.

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Rick Santorum looks like Stephen Miller on meth.

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Ah, Puzder. The name is more than slightly risible. And I think we should adopt the term,Uniquely Unqualified Administration, with a bow to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and apply it to the whole Trumpian shooting match.

But then again, what did we expect? Jesus.

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Never! Lil'Donnie is going to class up the place by covering all that nasty old marble with gilting. Because nothing says class like golden plating everything.

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Well, those cows are asking for it after all.

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Well, those three are the parts that make them feel all tingly.

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He looks to me like the love-child of Vlad and Prince Charles.

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Seems like an unfair comparison. The only thing PeeWee did was jerk off in a porn theater. While its not something to highlight in your Christmas letter, the others committed truly disgusting acts.

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So is it just California liberals that are Earthbenders or what? Cause if they're saying that just being a liberal and defying God will produce wrathful smitings, then the Women's March should have wiped DC off the map already...

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On the brighter side, gay men are free and clear!

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