I'm always late to the comments, but...


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I think he got his ass whooped by some Mexican kid when he was 10, and he's extrapolated the experience to all of South America.

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Mr CB is doing the same for the same reason.

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^^^^ THIS ^^^^

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IT workers don't develop new programming. Developers and Software Engineers do. Companies don't hire H1B people because they are better educated or more competent than US workers, they love them because they are cheap, don't complain about overwork, and have to leave when their visas run out, before they amass seniority, raises, and added benefits.

US workers expect higher wages, decent working conditions, raises and advancement. They will talk back if harassed. The experts quoted by Robinson in this article are full of shit. They are part of the H1B scam and profit from it. Anything they say has to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

There's no reason why these slots can't be filled from the domestic workforce other than the corporate preference for cheap labor.

No software people at the grunt level (and H1Bs are mostly grunts) are indispensable or irreplaceable. It's poor management and a flawed development process if an important project crashes on the loss of one or two key team members.

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Just pronounce it as close to how you think it would sound in French as possible, then given anyone who tries to correct you a look of withering condescension.

That's what I do with any word I can't pronounce and it's worked for me for decades now.

Me: We are headed to To͞oˈsoN and Fay-oh-neess on our Arizona vacation. Them: I think you mean Tuscon and Phoenix. Me: [Withering glare.]

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does anybody think that highly educated, well paid tech workers are clamoring to come work in america right now anyway? if you're from taiwan or south korea where the deaths from the rona are almost 0, why on earth would you want to move to this disease-ridden shithole filled with a bunch of racists who assume you're chinese and blame you for our fucked up response. no thank you, I think they'll just work for american companies remotely from a civilized country

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In the 90's, H1-B visa applicants would take $50K engineering jobs for $30K.

So, guess who was hired.

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this is like putting a band aid on somebody that had their head cut off.

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But they didn't touch the EB-5 program that Kushner made so much money from. Don't want to discourage millionaire investors!

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I like Werner von Braun. The song, that is.

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Trump accidentally doing the right thing for the wrong reasons as far as H1B visas are concerned. It's a scam for bypassing American workers in favor of vastly cheaper imported foreign labor. Google, Amazon, et al save tons of money by using this mechanism for filling their work spaces.

Sir, you orange moron, thank you for unwittingly doing something good. As far as the rest of the foreign hordes I'm good with opening the doors wide and let them in and let them stay.

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those of us who ARE 100 (in IT years) would merely consider that a courtesy : )

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Yup. Restricting H1-B visas will simply mean that our current 70/30 split of off-shore/on-shore IT staff will change to an 80/20 split. IT in big companies like the one I work for would absolutely, 100% hire American workers IF THEY COULD FIND THEM.... but we graduate 15-20% fewer STEM candidates every year than we need. So the only choices they have is between hiring qualified foreign workers, or moving the work itself off-shore. Because we deal with medical data, even that second choice can be expensive, because the workers overseas have to operate in approved 'clean-room' environments to avoid any possible copying/leaking of confidential information.

So, not only is it NOT much cheaper to move the work offshore, it's also less 'risk' to keep the work here. Trust me, if we thought we could find the people here to do the work... we would.... in a heartbeat.

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If Abe Lincoln and Jeff Davis could see the modern USA, Abe would congratulate Jeff on having won the Civil War, after all. One of the hallmarks of Confederate culture is a suspicion of education, especially education for the masses, as unmanly and blasphemous.

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Florida's governor, DeSantis, also hates brown people. The numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths in Florida keep going up and up and up. And what does DeSantis do? He blames this on "Hispanics." Yup. Hispanics. Is it any surprise that DeSantis tells those of us who are unfortunate enough to live in Florida that he "consults" with trump "every day"? Don't try to solve the problem, DeSantis. Keep opening Florida up. Don't require masks. Don't require social distancing. It is now a Political Issue as to whether or not you wear a mask. Waiting to see pro-trumpists start beating up mask wearers here in Florida. Damn, I hate this state and this country and DeSantis and trump. And I had some hopes for DeSantis when he first took office. Not any more.

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