I'm pretty sure the wheelbarrow photo is weirder than Doktor Zoom realizes, though it is definitely staged. I used to moderate gun forums back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and the first thing it made me think was "Gunkid!" Yes, it's staged, but it was definitely staged by gun nuts/preppers making fun of a particular troll from those forums days. One of my fellow moderators wrote the definitive piece on Gunkid and his Tactical Wheelbarrow Doctrine, so let me just link you to LawDog (in real life, a Texas law enforcement officer and humorist of some reknown.)


"06/19/2006 was a truly Red Letter Day among the Internet Gun Forums.

The Internet troll known as Gunkid a/k/a/ Hardin a/k/a Jamboree a/k/a Swetn a/k/a Lawrenceof Reason a/k/a Brule a/k/a ... you get the picture, got nicked by Oklahoma deputies and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for multiple State and Federal violations.

For those Gentle Readers who are not familiar with the metaphorical whiff of methane and hydrogen sulfide that was the cyberspace presence of Gunkid, allow me to shed some light on why there are Internet Gun Board Staff People dancing in the streets right now:

Gunkid was an idiot.

In actuality, he was more than that: he was a compulsive liar, a thief, a convicted felon, a Walter Mitty wannabe and a dedicated pain-in-the-arse.

His dream was for the World To End As We Know It -- preferably in a nuclear holocaust -- so that he could float down the Mississippi river on a raft and sell his services as an assassin to the warlords that he was sure would pop-up like fungi.

He opined at great length about blowing up Federal buildings, office buildings, and any building belonging to anyone he didn't like.

When asked about the possibility of the Feds not much taking to people spouting off about blowing up their buildings, Gunkid would reply that if he got any whiff of a Fed, he was going to cause civil disorder by poisoning the local water supply and escaping in the panic. If that didn't work, of course he was not going to be taken alive, hail of bullets, dead agents in the street, napalm, explosions, terror, special CNN music, yack, yack, yack.

He was fond of a ten-inch barreled upper receiver chambered for .22LR on his AR-15 with a attached silencer, and claimed it was the be-all, end-all survival weapon and was good to 300 meters. He vociferously defended this combination to anyone who would ask, especially tyros to the world of guns.

He would always neglect to mention that a 10-inch barrel on a rifle without the proper -- extra -- paperwork violates several Federal and State laws. As does the attached silencer sans proper paperwork.

He was also an obnoxious believer in the famed Assault Wheelbarrow. When the Balloon Went Up, Gunkid advised anyone who would listen not to bother with backpacks or such-like. No, the only useful carrying mode would be a light-weight wheelbarrow . . . ."

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All the Black Bloc participants I've ever known have basically been young people who were very sincere in their desire to smash the state. To the extent that they could be considered right or left - and they wouldn't have claimed either one, because they wanted to not take part in the system at all, so you're right to say they're not really on the left - I would say they were coming at it from an extreme leftwing perspective.

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Gee thanks. There is still a little bit of uncontaminated soylent green, as well as the canned clams I found, but I appreciate the offer. It looks as though another radiation storm is building, so shelter is the most important thing now.

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My World War Two veteran Uncles would be so proud of me if I took out some Nazi's. I know they are looking down from Heaven and are just pissed as hell at these wannabe Nazi's. They always said that they would be back and that an M-1 was the only solution to this curse. We can kill them with votes. Oh! and fuck Trump and his Nazi's fucks.

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Wow! You people are really out there, aren't you? This is my first time on this site and it's safe to say my last time as well! Have fun living in your alternate reality!

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No sorry, but you're the one who lives in an alternate reality

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Why are you here? I don't remember anyone inviting you!

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Steve Bannon wants to smash the state, too. I'm just confused by the fact that, if they are extreme left, they are not showing up at Republican/Trump rallies and breaking shit, instead, their focus seems to be on making real Democratic protesters look bad.

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How the hell was that person able to comment? Everybody knows comments aren't allowed.

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The incompetence of evil?

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I see you want to run everyone out of the sand box so can fill it with your own cat shit and lies ...that's why we are here !

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Once again, who is 'we?' You seek to have an horrific parasite infestation, poor dear.

And I have just reported you for harassment.

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Really ...sort of like the kettle calling the pot black lol ...40,000 comments you take your deception campaign seriously don't you? Get a life I have had more lefttards attack and threaten me that if they ban me I will wear it like a badge ..I speak truth with snark and that's why you hate me Aron ...I am as hard to get rid of as a bad fungus

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I don't hate you. I laugh at you.

And once again, who is 'we?'

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(And it is cute you think you can scare me!)

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