We shall name it Milne's Law!

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It own't be as creative, but sometimes you have to skip to the right answer.

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This comes straight from "Stormfront" no shit.

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"Convincing poor people their biggest problem is other poor people is the best way for the powerful to stay in power. Back in the day, factory owners would purposely sow discord and distrust between different immigrant populations in order to keep them from forming unions. And one of the first things European immigrants learned about becoming American was to hate African Americans."Robyn ... do you actually HAVE to write stuff that is so cogent and straight-from-the-shoulder? Do you think I like sitting at my laptop slack-jawed with admiration? It just ain't cool. On the other hand, considering the amount of mean-souled idiocy being posted online, you should definitely keep trying to counter it.It's true, that's the thing. And a bit further back in the day, before the Civil War, the big rich slave owners played off the slaves and the poor whites against each other in the same way. "Poor white" appears, from what I can tell, to have been a more scathing term of contempt than the n-word. The black slaves sneered at the poor whites and the poor whites hated the black slaves. The rich white "gentlemen" were keeping them down in the dirt (sometimes they actually ate clay from the river bank to stave off the pangs of hunger) and ignorant, to maintain their own power and wealth. Then the poor boys went off to fight the damn Yankees who wanted to meddle in southern affairs ... to keep the rich, rich.The more it changes ...

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Love them enough to punch them!

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> "have the backs of our allies and make sure that our allies have our back as well"

That's not what Drumpf said.

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So you trot out the Jews to use as political footballs?You sure didn't show much concern when Israel was under attack on a daily basis by rocket attacks. Or when Obama repeatedly insulted and dismissed the PM of Israel.

How convenient. What else can you use the Jews for, Robyn?

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Yes, I'm sure the families of those who have been victims of crime by illegal aliens are very sympathetic to your position. Maybe you should ask them how they feel, like the family of the woman murdered in cold blood by one such person in San Francisco.

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as long as it wasn't printed out. i like trees.

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Wait'll we see the final results of the Trump-Putin joint venture.

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What this article surprisingly fails to mention is that this is not a list of immigrant crime, as a whole. It is a list of crimes committed by ILLEGAL immigrants, (other than the obvious federal crime of being illegally in the US in the first place.)

This is NOT meant to "isolate immigrants" and other wacky-ass conspiracy crap. It is to identify those illegal immigrants, most of whom are hiding in sanctuary cities, that are a higher priority for deportation because they commit crimes AND are illegally living in the United States.

Yes, the Nazis compiled lists of Jewish criminals. They were citizens of their community, and they were wrongly targeted because of their religion.

The Illegal immigrants on the list here are being identified because they're NOT citizens and are breaking the law, not because of their color, religion, race or sex. There is a difference.

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It's all bullshit, of course. Trump knows the 20% tax won't pay for the wall. The real goal is to cripple Mexico's economy to extort "protection money".

(source: rogue WH twitter)

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What do you mean, global geopolitics is just like running for office in South Carolina as a furrin-looking woman, which only requires getting made up like a pageant contestant every day and chirping about how much you love Jesus. (Not like your parents, who were Sikhs, ew.)

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I don't know how Donald's grandfather Friedrich, noted brothel owner, escaped the roundup of German born immigrants during WW1, but if he was deported it would have saved us much tribulation

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My, my. Is that an actual unpresident quote?

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