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Trump Told 'Hot Johnny' To Go Ahead And Pull The Troops From Literally Everywhere In Last Few Weeks Before Refusing Peaceful Transfer Of Power
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I love the 'Hey' at the beginning of McGregor's memo. His surprise at finding out that the Pentagon wouldn't just pull American troops out on his orders? 😹
I went to VFair and read the story, adds to my constant fear Trump will be re-elected even if in a jail cell, which is doubtful. I. think.
What frightens me is that the next election could be decided by which one stays healthy looking and which one has a stroke. We have a year to go.
So no "Pull American Forces from the U.S".? Slacker.
Just as we suspected- the mob boss style of management. Never put anything in writing- tell some dispensable flunky to do it. Never explicitly say what you want done and for chrissake no advice on how to do it, no "use a hammer" or "wire it to the ignition", let them figure it out and carry the can if it doesn't work. What it would have been like if Al Capone had believed he could stop the earth's rotation without any unexpected consequences, a self-absorption so total as to believe himself a god.
"Leave the gun, take the cannoli."
Mike Ross, "Suits"
COME ON! he's kinda pretty!
This should have WAY more comments. It’s Futurama, but without the laughs.
It’s idiocracy.
It might just be too depressing to comment on. Would def be more entertaining if tfg wasn't running again, and sure to demolish all the guardrails that kept our country halfway sane the first time.
Seems like someone is leaking stories about this guy so he can take the fall.
Project 2025 is run by the Heritage Foundation, which funnels money to Project 2025 from its various members.
Kinda surprised he isn't the VP running mate on the Insurrection Party ticket.
He hasn’t turned 35 yet.
The rules don't usually matter much to the Insurrection Party...
33 is the new 77.
So, Trump’s next chief of staff.
Why is it impossible to get trump labeled by the media as this insane clown king who is bad for America?
MSNBC almost does it, or at least a panelist during the last poo-flinging match (or "debate", to use the official name) came out and said people keep saying Biden is old, Biden is old, while no one is pointing out the obvious signs that PAB is in mental decline and that there's been a marked decline in his public behavior since 2016. But yeah, WaPo and the NYT really need to stop pretending this is all just a big game and start pointing out that a) he's about half a step away from full-blown dementia and b) he's determined to end the American Experiment the day he takes the oath if we're careless enough to give him that opportunity.
Because Biden is old.
Why does he have to be so old? I have concerns! My concerns are concerning!
Jonathan Karl's initial bugfuck insane audiobook is available for free with a 30-day free trial at Audible.
You're welcome.
Appearance-wise you can put most modern republican men into three broad categories- doughy white guys (©MSTK3000); looks vaguely like a thumb; and background Nazi from Swing Kids. This guy obviously falls into the latter.
Doughy white guys in a tactical turtleneck and a horned hat, please! Let’s strive for accuracy!
There’s a lot of crossover between the first two categories.
Exhibit A: Karl Turdblossom Rove.
Ham Rove
"We apologize for writing something earnest, but, you know, Jesus hopped-up Christ."
Please never apologize for what brings us to Wonkette. Well, the earnest writing plus the dick jokes.
Where I come from it's Jesus tap-dancing Christ.
On a pogo stick.