"Any dispute about one's sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing."

And how exactly would that solve anything for those who are XXY or some other variant? Because that DOES exist, dummies. Just more proof that these people who talk about things being "against nature" actually have no idea how nature really works.

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I've been really curious how Trump came up with his odd "Twitter speech pattern", where he talks about himself in the third person--and never uses pronouns. I'm starting to wonder if Trump avoids pronouns because his preferred pronouns would get him in trouble with his base.I could probably stitch together a plausible conspiracy theory that Trump is secretly transgender...

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A few studies--and I'm not sure how valid they are--show that some people are wired to respond more negatively to people who aren't like themselves. It certainly seems that "conservative" brains too often have faulty wiring.

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Unfortunately that leaves a lot of small-population Red states with two senators each and thus 2 electors to represent that small population. States get electors equal to their combined number of reps and senators, so voters in small population states are automatically over-represented in the electoral college.

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Why do you hate Mexico?

Better idea: let Texas secede and make it on their own without all that federal money, especially military contracts. Of course they'll need their own defense system. We've got some Proud Boys we'd be happy to give them to form their army.

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But then we might have to listen to Vogon poetry.

Though still better than listening to Trump.

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I don't know about dumber, but they are certainly more voracious. And they do have a history of predating grandmothers, though mostly other people's.

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I moved to Portland, Oregon in 1989 and it was there I first encountered trans-folx on an almost daily basis. Back then it was still "live as the other gender for a year before we can consider a medical transition" and I was forever impressed by the transwoman undertaking this in public as an employee of Fred Meyer Hawthorne. Never forgot her integrity, grit and guts. Never will.

We love you and stand with you all.

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And from US Olympic decathlon champ, Wheaties label and fellow reality TV attention hound, Caitlyn Jenner, we hear what in indignant reply...crickets? Some advocate you are, Bruce. (Apologies if Jenner has spoken out; if so, we missed it.)

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Hate, contempt, but above all, fear. Fear of the other, fear of change. Change is scary, what if it changes you? if the other get to use the same bathrooms as you, they will rape your wives and daughters (although they will likely not believe the woman anyway).

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She was waiting for her daughter in the next stall over when I emerged.

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"Second amendment people". Someone already mailed a bomb to George Soros, I have a feeling others will happily build the gas chambers.

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It's a tenet of Nationalism. Always have at least two enemies: one internal, one external.

If none exist, make them up.

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Including which ones they rape.

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Makes perfect sense if you think only about the $$

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"They" know how many of their brethren would happily volunteer their time to be restroom gender enforcers if there were badges and uniforms involved.

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