Well you'd better lift your game.

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I never knew Stormy even existed before Dump but after some serious research on Pornhub i know a lot more about her.

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Would this be the same douche who lied to Congress.

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And how much can you borrow.

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I know..... 'Stormy'... 'Sunshine'.... 'Gale Force Warning'....

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Haughty Freedomies.

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I know I'm just a lefty Euro-liberal but what is wrong with non-citizens voting if they live there and pay their taxes? They are voting for things that directly affect them.

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My favourite so far is one I've been told by a perennial weed and Trump adorer over on Slacktivist: twelve people were found to have committed attempted voter fraud in the months following the election, none actually succeeded, all were voting Republican or attempting a James O'Keefe style sting by claiming they wanted to vote Democratic so corrupt poll officials would expose their biasssss, ergo Trump's claim that three to five million people voted illegally for Clinton was confirmed.

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Almost lost a $600 hand cart...

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It takes a big man to like someone else’s idea better than his own, Dok...

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Less coffee is what’s in the Peet’s bag once you’ve filled the filter...

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..and their fries.

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Non-citizens used to be able to vote in certain elections... that mostly ended in the 1920s.https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Wow! ;>)

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