I cited them as among the listed disciples of the Nazarene whom we can presume to be literate. I made no warranties about their authorship nor actual existence, merely that rough contemporaries thought them the likely sort to be hanging with the carpenter.

There are apparently a few questions about the reality of "Mark" and the authorship of the Gospel of Mark. So the doctor and publican are probably as real as he was.

Both Luke and Matthew go beyond Mark's narrative, with backstory and post-resurrection activities.

This sort of accretion of material strikes me as similar to the elaboration of the great epic poems, such as the Iliad or Mahabharata.

Or think modern re-mix.





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Love the BtVS/Angel reference!

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And/or homegrown asshats.

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Except Luke wasn't a disciple of Jesus. He was a disciple of Paul, who never met Jesus. BTW, neither was Mark. He was Peter's secretary.* But that raises the question: Why would Matthew, a disciple of Jesus, need to plagiarize from a book written by non-disciple? If he actually saw Jesus do the things he described, why copy from someone who wasn't even there?

In any event, no serious biblical scholar think the names attached to the Gospels are the actual authors. The four books were all written anonymously and our best information indicates that the names only became attached to them sometime in the 2nd century or later.

*Incidentally, the Book of Acts states that Peter was indeed illiterate, which is why he needed Mark to write stuff down.

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Again, I merely suggested the personas might be considered indicated of the early movement, and not the actual authors.

Though I did err in including Luke among the disciples, like the other Evangelists.

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Ha! Well said!

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Am I missing something or did Trump commit at least 4* of the 7 Deadly Sins at the National Prayer breakfast in front of those so Holy people in the room without a peep from them

*rage, envy, wrath and pride

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At least 5, lust; coz I bet he leered at somebody at the prayer breakfast. I bet he committed gluttony too, that fat sack of crap.

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Doesn't anyone think of the breakfast anymore? Was it pancakes? Omelets? Freedom Toast? Inquiring minds want to know !

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I assume our government leaders were at some point led in a Jewish or Muslim or Atheist prayer as well, for inclusiveness. Oh wait. I forgot that Christianity is the only religion we have to respect in this country.

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Blood Puddin' O' Jeebus and Trisket crackers.

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The Sermon OF the Mount.

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I'm actually glad that Dump made a complete mockery out of this stupid power-mongering Christian Nationalist Preyer Breakfast. It needs to be exposed for what it is. It's one of the few things that Trump has inadvertently done right in making it all about himself and his petty vendettas.

P.S. Also thankful for that film, "The Family," which exposes this toxic alliance between corporatism and religion.

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Well, I'm hoping he commits a lot more gluttony. I wouldn't be sorry if a widow-maker came along. Although, I do dread the idea of Mullah Mike and his toxic brand of religiosity becoming POTUS.

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"Pastor" Robert Jeffress was. Read this ode to the tiny mushroom cap.


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