No. Huntsman had some integrity. Georgie's a fairly-realistic puppet.

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if I had had these guys in my platoon, they would have looked to have me separated for the good of the service.

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Can we ignore Ted Cruz? Please?

Also too. The Canadians have someone called Stephen Harper who is a W wannabe. Harper is able to speak in full sentences, in two languages, but otherwise is a full metal nutcase.

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how exactly do you get this Vermin of the Village gig? And if I do get that gig are you going to destroy me with anything other than gin?

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In the first five minutes, Perry would break his smart glasses.

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"That's not fair. That's not fair at all. I had smarts this time. I had, had all the smarts I needed..."

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You know things are bad when even Debbie Wasserman Shultz of the DNC is forced to poke her head out of her reinforced concrete bunker and actually say or do something.

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Harper - fuck me. How that guy manages to cling to power year-after-fucking-year is beyond me.

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George Pazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


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I was thinking schmendrick for Perry... but you make a compelling case.

Well done!

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Obama Derangement Syndrome makes Clinton Derangement Syndrome look like a mere harmless tic. But in all fairness, Bush Derangement Syndrome is still the Derangement Syndrome by which all others must be measured, even in this hyper-partisan cesspool of an internet which can't possibly get any worse but just did because another minute has passed.

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If he did that then only morons would vote for hi-oh, shit.

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Fair point, but that integrity didn't launch Hunstman to the top of any poll I can remember seeing in '12.

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Nope... it was that integrity that kept him in the basement...such is the morality of the Republican party and its adherents.

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And though Pataki substantially lacks integrity, he's still got more than anyone else in the field. More than most put together, perhaps even all. Which still says nothing about him, but a lot about them.

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Now who can argue with that? I think we’re all indebted to Gabby Johnson for clearly stating what needed to be said. I’m particularly glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

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