She. Persisted.

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Right. I voted for Clinton and hang out in an on-line community composed largely of HRC supporters...so I must have a problem with women in politics. Try again.

What I am is terrified of the looney in the WH and the sociopaths who mindlessly support him. My disagreement with Pelosi is about tactics - not gender.

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being in the minority party, there is nothing practical (other than motivating base and independent voters to FUCKING VOTE) that either nancy pelosi or any other democrat can do to 'help take down the unbalanced would-be dictator in the WH'....nothing--NOTHING--n-o-t-h-I-N-G...you understand how this usa govt thing works, right?...save your righteous indig-fucking-nation about who should be knocking this mothafucka trump out the WH for the actual assholes with the power to do something, but who not only REFUSE to do anything, but enable and empower that fascist prick to pillage and plunder at will


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yeah, but...this is what we get when they stop teaching civics and govt in schools...ya gotta understand how govt works if ya wanna make it work FOR you

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it's the new 'murrican way--we want something, and WE WANT IT NOW, even if it's stupid and fucks us over in the end anyway

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*nail-click, head-tilt at Mike* Ya HEARD?

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Вы, ребята, даже не пытаетесь Vy, rebyata, dazhe ne pytayetes'

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They idolize the ignorant, juvenile dipshit because he so brilliantly voices all their fears, hatreds, and resentments. That's where his talents begin and end.

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you sound like a moron. reading your comment history, i'm convinced that you are.

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That is not the new American way. It;s been that way since at least Viet Nam. As a country we want the easy win, the decisive victory, In war, in sports, in politics, in our personal lives.

The only other real option is the underdog coming from behind narrative.

Most of our mythology, our movies, our pop culture, and our stories back either of those two up.

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I have not, but I am not surprised.

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Minority Leader Pelosi did this in 4-inch heels? Dang. My bad knees will not allow me to wear heels anymore, so I'm doubly impressed!

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Nancy Pelosi is a badass.

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I didn't but the truth is the Berners are perfectly willing to sacrifice others in the name of their revolution and they don't care who gets harmed. The Dreamers, the people of Puerto Rico, transpeople in the military, service workers who now get their tips stolen by unscrupulous employers, etc....all people sacrificed on the altar of their precious revolution. I remember lots of far lefties who were fine with Obamacare repeal efforts because they figured it would bring us closer to Medicare for All.

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Yes, thank you for dismissing my legitimate concerns for the welfare of my clients and my very real and long running grievances with my goddamn political party refusing to actually follow through on the promises they make to me and people like me as "naive or trolling".

I'm usually a lot funnier and snarkier when I'm on Wonkette, but frankly you deserve none of that. Get fucked you asshole.

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and both together when possible

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