True this. If Sue Gordon did somehow become Acting DNI, Trump use his Article II and fire her.

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There’s a YouTube video of Samuel L. Jackson reading that. It is perfection.

Also there’s a sequel book for/about toddlers called “You Have To Fucking Eat.”

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Well to be fair Sleepy Ben wanted to be Secretary of Brains and Grain-filled Pyramids but that position wasn't open.

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It's a nice part of Westchester. Small town vibe (provided you can afford it), far enough from NYC to be kind of rural, but close enough for easy commuting.

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Anyone looking into why all the squirrels are sobbing on rocks???

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[ This non-comment brought to you by the WayBack machine. Because Trump not giving a fuck about the law goes Way Back. ]

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There are two competing theories on whether it is legal to sodomize a cow. One theory is that the laws of all 50 states, Federal law, and even the Uniform Code of Military Justice make it illegal to roger a farm animal under any circumstance. On the other hand, there is Devin Nunes, who is a republican, and his ALLEGED affinity for seducing bovines, So what are ya gonna do? Its a real dilemma, a perfect case of "he said, she moooooo" as they say.

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California is our real dad.

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Yes, but would any state where Babyhands is competitive follow? That I sincerely doubt.

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And so it goes. On, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on ..........

There is just too much terrible shit to process. And we can't even concentrate on that because the Media wants to talk about the Democratic presidential horse race and President Dumbass' incoherent tweets and statements.

Meanwhile the republicans are methodically checking off boxes from the "Authoritarianism For Dummies Handbook" to do list.

1. Practice the Big Lie* (*Trademark J. Goebbels 1933) - Check2. Demonize and dehumanize vulnerable outgroups - Check3. Discredit and demonize the free press - Check4. Brand all opposition as unpatriotic traitors - Check5. Seize control of the institutions that are responsible for upholding the rule of law (Justice Department and the courts) - Half Check6. Corrupt, discredit and ultimately gain control over the Intelligence community. - Half Check7. Invent, or trigger, a major crisis that allows them to declare a state of emergency to finish the process - Not yet, but a war with Iran would do nicely I think.

Feel free to add to this checklist.

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it's right there, writ large in his imagination . . . like all of what he considers "reality"

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Just fucking wait until 2021 when the person who wore this outfit the best is president. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Can we count the number of times Trumpians have tried to or flat out bypassed protocols and laws to get what they want (yeah, the EMERGY to get wall funding was one of them), then can we look back at them claiming themselves to be the "law and order" party and say "NO"!!!???

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He never did give a fuck about it, he's just being more and more obvious about it as time goes by.

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Oh bugger.

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The Dems horserace. 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴

Also agree on all the scarier other stuff. 😳

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