That's true. There is that. Although he's enough of a sicko to start something with Iran on his way out the door.

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"Whereas Puck’s humor is often mischievous and subtle, the comedy surrounding the overconfident weaver Nick Bottom is hilariously overt. The central figure in the subplot involving the craftsmen’s production of the Pyramus and Thisbe story, Bottom dominates his fellow actors with an extraordinary belief in his own abilities (he thinks he is perfect for every part in the play) and his comical incompetence (he is a terrible actor and frequently makes rhetorical and grammatical mistakes in his speech). The humor surrounding Bottom often stems from the fact that he is totally unaware of his own ridiculousness; his speeches are overdramatic and self-aggrandizing, and he seems to believe that everyone takes him as seriously as he does himself. This foolish self-importance reaches its pinnacle after Puck transforms Bottom’s head into that of an ass. When Titania, whose eyes have been anointed with a love potion, falls in love with the now ass-headed Bottom, he believes that the devotion of the beautiful, magical fairy queen is nothing out of the ordinary and that all of the trappings of her affection, including having servants attend him, are his proper due. His unawareness of the fact that his head has been transformed into that of an ass parallels his inability to perceive the absurdity of the idea that Titania could fall in love with him." https://www.sparknotes.com/...

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"Whereas Puck’s humor is often mischievous and subtle, the comedy surrounding the overconfident weaver Nick Bottom is hilariously overt. The central figure in the subplot involving the craftsmen’s production of the Pyramus and Thisbe story, Bottom dominates his fellow actors with an extraordinary belief in his own abilities (he thinks he is perfect for every part in the play) and his comical incompetence (he is a terrible actor and frequently makes rhetorical and grammatical mistakes in his speech). The humor surrounding Bottom often stems from the fact that he is totally unaware of his own ridiculousness; his speeches are overdramatic and self-aggrandizing, and he seems to believe that everyone takes him as seriously as he does himself. This foolish self-importance reaches its pinnacle after Puck transforms Bottom’s head into that of an ass. When Titania, whose eyes have been anointed with a love potion, falls in love with the now ass-headed Bottom, he believes that the devotion of the beautiful, magical fairy queen is nothing out of the ordinary and that all of the trappings of her affection, including having servants attend him, are his proper due. His unawareness of the fact that his head has been transformed into that of an ass parallels his inability to perceive the absurdity of the idea that Titania could fall in love with him." https://www.sparknotes.com/...

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No, NO! You don't understand how radio works! This is MY flashback, all I have to do to return us to the present is to fade my voice out like this and cue the organist...

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"Fuck that noise: Trump is a gangster." wrong. He's a punk, nothing more.

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My wife's mother was a citizen of Japan at her birth. The Army wrote in "Mongolian" on her birth certificate. Genghis Khan, baby.

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I've been reading the light novel series "So I'm a Spider, So What?" in anticipation of the anime coming out next season, and the author has been skipping back and forth in time for the first three novels without giving much of any indication of it, until the fourth novel, where it becomes obvious. Now I've got to go back and re-read those knowing who all the players are and how they got there.

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I think he's dull witted. I'm sure he's an emotionally stunted brat. I think he's a narcissist and a sociopath, but I think every Republican holding office right now is a narcissist and a sociopath.

Trump embodies the collective Id of every Republican I ever met.

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I grew up in Podunk nowhere but they did try to expose some of us savages to culture and history on occasion.

That was my first time in a walk-in movie theater, (we had a drive-in opposite a cow pasture), and my first time in a taxi.

2-3 months before the trip I was watching Walter Cronkite's news and just before commercial break he mentioned an upcoming story about the coming end of the world. I was fixated as the news reporter chronicled a group who were moving themselves and supplies to a mountain cave because the world was coming to an end March 10th.

The whole thing scared me so much I went into the kitchen and confessed to my mother everything I'd done since birth that she didn't know about. She was like what? She calmed me down and being a kid a few days later I'd forgotten about it.

The second day we were in Washington DC it snowed and was my first snow. We were building snowmen and snowball fighting in the hotel's courtyard when one of the guy's said, "hey, isn't today the day the world's coming to an end?" He'd seen the same news segment and I was freaked out the whole rest of the day until after midnight and the world didn't end.

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he didn't eat his children.

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hopefully without the white house art.

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oh if one conservative ever accuses me of being a whining liberal again., man they are going to get it, I have never seen so many whiny cowards in one area before.

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I always say, 45 proves that DNA can be wasted on a person. Just malicious, utter trash in human form. And his offspring too.

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Anyone who manages in under 4 years to put the entire structure of democracy at immediate risk of total collapse is a) not denying facts but using "denial" as a tool; and b) learns incredibly fast, just not the same things you're interested in learning. Trump is a very talented guy. He waited for years to see that the Tea Party (an inept, silly movement) had bored a hole in the GOP and that it was much weaker than anyone knew. He destroyed his competition in a matter of months.

It's fun to feel superior to Trump. He knows this and finds us very easy to manipulate.

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