You're on to something!!

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Anne's been killing it lately.

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But this is just appalling.

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Do these people not seem to understand that if you see something, you're supposed to say something? I mean: if the President has gone off the deep end, somebody needs to step up and be Deep Throat. It's called patriotism.

Meanwhile, the same people howling about these "leakers" are the same ones who put Edward Snowden and Julien Assange on pedestals and call them heroes for leaking shit about Democrats. The end.

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I don't think "humanitarian" means what Trump thinks it means...

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So, Alan Dershowitz has finally discovered a flaw in his genius "So they're lunatic eliminationist kleptocrats, they're on our side" theory of foreign policy?

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but he still wouldve have been President...and 2018 would weed out most of the Republicans....even Republicans who always vote Republican are getting tired of Congressional Republicans because they have yet since 2010 to accomplish anything but waste time and money and win elections.

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Hopefully they'll do some carfentanil.

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"Mr. President! Sean Hannity and Alex Jones both said you have a tiny penis!" #EconomiesOfScale

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McMaster repeated his assertion from the previous day in his presser that whatever Trump told the Russians was wholly appropriate. Still wouldn't confirm that Trump gave classified intel to the Russians.

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Trump's going to Israel real soon.

"You better watch your ass. These guys'll shoot it off."

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Heritage Not Hate strikes me as a particularly bad idea.

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I just found this button I got during W's administration. Forgot I had it. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Robot Chicken did a spoof of that episode, except it was an adult book store instead of a library, and he dropped his dick and broke that.

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It's a university. Can't remember which conference, though.

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I'm hearing great things ...people are talking about all the great - listen John Barron has the best brain, OK? Just terrific.

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