"Ivanka’s brother Eric tried to hide his growing boner saying, “She’s got the beautiful looks, right? She’s got – she’s smart, she’s smart, smart, smart.” Then he tried to cover up a wet spot on his slacks.
Donald and his sons probably does cirklejerks in the sauna fantasizing about Ivanka`s wherevers.
"Nobody wants to have the second best anything, especially Donald Trump..."The only time Donald Trump settled for second-best was when he heard that honesty was the best policy. He blew his SAT’s because he insisted on using a #1 pencil – #2 pencils are for losers.
How about t this scenario/timeline:Trump picks his daughter as VP - then he gets elected - then he resigns the presidency, leaving his VP daughter to take over as president - she moves into the office with her family, and it's the first time ever that a Jew (her husband) lives in the White House - and all the Palinesque 'splodey heads' of the white supremacist anti-semites that elected Trump start 'splodin.'
And page one of the USA Today says 20 veterans die/day because of suicide. I already have called Cornyn's and Cruz's office to tell them to fix this. Fuckers.
Schist happens.
Seven (nit)
"...Ivanka’s brother Eric tried to hide growing support..."
That's a sex joke, right? Growing support. It's about the whole banging Ivanka thing the male Trump's are obsessed with, right?
Of course I read that as break the bridge.
She already spawned the kid. Moving on to her next yuuuuuuuuugggge position.
Palin????? She's Drumpfs number one fan. Drools whenever she hears his name.
If they did have a dog, it was too smart to stick around.
Susan Sarandon.
I remember her saying she supported Bernie on Colbert a while back. Could be wrong tho.
"Ivanka’s brother Eric tried to hide his growing boner saying, “She’s got the beautiful looks, right? She’s got – she’s smart, she’s smart, smart, smart.” Then he tried to cover up a wet spot on his slacks.
Donald and his sons probably does cirklejerks in the sauna fantasizing about Ivanka`s wherevers.
"Nobody wants to have the second best anything, especially Donald Trump..."The only time Donald Trump settled for second-best was when he heard that honesty was the best policy. He blew his SAT’s because he insisted on using a #1 pencil – #2 pencils are for losers.
She's a BoB that I recall. There was blowback when she said that there may as well be a Trump presidency if Bernie doesn't get in.
How about t this scenario/timeline:Trump picks his daughter as VP - then he gets elected - then he resigns the presidency, leaving his VP daughter to take over as president - she moves into the office with her family, and it's the first time ever that a Jew (her husband) lives in the White House - and all the Palinesque 'splodey heads' of the white supremacist anti-semites that elected Trump start 'splodin.'
Gene Grossman, author of best-selling crime novels - www.LegalMystery.com
And page one of the USA Today says 20 veterans die/day because of suicide. I already have called Cornyn's and Cruz's office to tell them to fix this. Fuckers.
And eliminate that evil Obama tax on tanning beds.
Does one have to be sober to do the job? Asking for a friend...
Although he already looks like an 80-year old who has had at least 10 plastic surgeries.