Truck Fump, of course, but a question:

Can the President actually, legally make an executive order that affects ANYTHING but the Executive branch or the federal government?

Because I don't think that this thing is in any way legal, or anything but a proclamation.

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And then we can sit back and watch their business fail.

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They vote Republican because of money.

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Basically how I live my life. I'm an anti-bigot bigot.

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That is a concern. Currently they are so disorganized it hasn't happened. With how confrontational he is with the courts, they are not likely going to play nice with him as it is right now. I don;t see him changing his attitude anytime soon.

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Are you telling me that a lesbian voted for Trump? A capital-L lesbian?! Just wait till the next committee meeting!

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Yep. Not only that, she begged me to go to a ...to a....ugh.....to a....trump rally! aaggggghhhh! It was March of last year. No one would else would go and I'm political and she's not was her point on asking me. She's done a lot of house repair for me so I grudgingly went. (I used to date her brother so we're pretty close) Conditions were that we stayed in the back close to an exit door. It was actually pretty horrifically interesting and I'm a photographer so I got great photos of the worse than People of Walmart crowd and of the jack booted thugs throwing people out at Agent Organge's request. A few of those are in court these days with nice little lawsuits. One is now suing trump because trump lied about his promise to pay his court costs, lol. Silver lining is I'm pretty sure she gets it now and has buyer's remorse and that POTUS elections with Rs vs Ds is not like choosing your favorite basketball team. She really is a great person, very kind, very helpful, a good friend, can fix any household problem and do great landscaping, she just didn't get it and years of brainwashing from her late father. Talked to her twice since the election, once on her b-day and the other day regarding a Derby invite I declined because I'm sick as a dog this week. I could tell she was sheepish in our convo, and I'm going to have to forgive her eventually. :-)

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Well of course you are and you should. Sounds like the repairative therapy is coming along.

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Like my ex-landlord that had a "Smile, Jesus Loves you" sign on the front of his car. I've never seen a man less tolerant, more rigid, and more screamy than Mr. Jesus-lover was.

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Point goes to you. Thank goodness.

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That slimy, fake Christian piece of curdled dog shitYou forgot "overstuffed insecure Q-tip"

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I should have made myself more clear--not hard since my initial post was so poorly stated as to be incomprehensible. In writing"Hold the outrage" I was trying to say that we should waste energy on everything that Trump does that is harmful, hurtful or just evil since it is all he has ever done and all he ever will. When he acts as he always has it is just time to organize/resist more.

All his actions are in the service of protection of capital of the very wealthy, either directly or in propitiating those whose support is needed to protect the rich--like rednecks who hate gay people.

This probably doesn't any more sense and I have been not plugged in on Wonkette for several days.

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I didn't even take it as homophobic. To me, he was just saying he's sucking Putin's dick, meaning that he's completely Putin's toy. He actually wasn't saying anything homophobic.

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Pretty sure it starts with men who are closet gays, are afraid of being "weak," so suppress it, and strike out at anyone else who's living their life authentically. They've "chosen" to live a straight "lifestyle," which is why they constantly use absurd terms like "choosing" to live a "gay lifestyle." It's the only way that even makes sense. There are also closet gays who attack gays as a cover. And if you're that hateful, it's an easy step to persuade others to go along with you and become the head of a "congregation," especially of other people trying to suppress their sexual urges. Women who resent other women for living their lives, or, perhaps even more, who are jealous of women who are comfortable in their own skin or even just plain attractive enough to have active sex lives are also happy to join their fellow haters.

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Who knew Jesus was a witch...

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Because they're stupid and make bad decisions. Why does superstition need special protection is my question.

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