This may get banned. But I would truly like to see these certain people deported to Venus where the atmospheric pressure is 90 times Earth's and the surface temperature could melt lead and the air is almost all carbon dioxide with, I understand, a certain amount of sulfuric acid vapour too.I'm fine with their taking their guns along with them to defend themselves against the Venusians/Venerians/Cythereans.

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Well, the values which the logo is supposed to represent are integrity, honesty, diversity, inclusion, respect, and safety. There are all things that are extremely offensive to conservative "Christians".

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If Trump tried anything with Harris, she'd give him a kick in the Toad from Super Mario Kart.

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Jesus hates rainbows!

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Granted, I haven't been inside my Catholic church since before Holy Week, but I doubt that the little wall statuette of Jesus under a rainbow has been removed from the wall above the doors.

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Funny how "Christians" never cite the parts of the Bible where God is angry over social injustice and religion that's just for show (I'm rereading Isaiah).

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Don't you mean God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? Of course God didn't mean it, but I often wonder how Isaac felt about it. Was he proud of his dad's great performance on the obedience test or did he harbor secret resentment?

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I remember when mission statements became essential. I used to joke that the one at the hospital where I worked should be "We will try to help our patients to the best of our ability no matter what obstacles our administration throws in our way." (Can you believe having Thursday mornings devoted to "quality meetings" instead of taking care of patients? We had to generate reports, of course. My first went something like this: The Medical Library is a department of one, so I met with myself and decided that the time would be better spent preparing for the education meeting. (No, the library was not required to have its own meetings and reports after that.)

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Yes, I've thought about countering calls to stone Gays to death by reminding the callers that adulterers were also to be stoned to death -- both parties. Let's not forget that it took the Catholic Church CENTURIES to admit they smeared Jesus' prominent female disciple, Mary Magdalene, by claiming she had been a prostitute.

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A friend of mine once told me that St. Paul isn't as bad in the original Greek as the translations make him out to be. I still can't read Greek, so I don't know if I owe him an apology for the time I said, in Confession, that if I went to Heaven I wanted to kick St. Paul's ectoplasmic butt from one end of the universe to the other for what he wrote about women. The priest (from another parish) was speechless.

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Now you're making me remember Robert Frost's "Fire and Ice" poem, which I memorized back in high school.

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But it says "diversity" and "inclusion" in the red part, which means not only buttsex but also icky brown people.

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God said to Abraham "Kill me a son!"Abe said "Man, you must be puttin' me on."God say "no"Abe say "What?"God said "You can do what you want, AbeBut the next time you see me comin' you'd better run"

Learn your Nobel-prize winning poets, people!

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Frivolous and fatuous lawsuit. I trust that the Court will throw it out.

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If God is so all-powerful, why are his followers such helpless, perpetual victims?

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"Ring on cheese."

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