No, we can’t impeach the motherfucker tomorrow. There are more fish to net. I expect this will continue to escalate daily. It’s practically a dare. Trump will soon say the part out loud with the blatant quid pro quo, and not the insinuated one. Even then, we gotta net more fishies.

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Let's remember here that when the author says tRump is "gaslighting" what he means is that tRump is "lying". I just want to make sure we are clear on this point. The pResident is LYING. Thank you.

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I can't keep up. What crimes did the Bidens do in Gina?

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Something to do with Vanky’s patents?

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Oh he's such a scamp! What - you can't hear the ba-dum-pum on the snare drum over the whir of the helicopter? Countdown to the "he was clearly joking" explanation starts in 5, 4, 3, 2...

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You're welcome.

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“.. I’m not saying Trump never did anything wrong but there are other people who did things wrong, too.”


This is “just randomly firing a weapon on fifth avenue repeatedly daring someone to stop him”

Would be the ultimate Nancy Pelosi troll move to announce GINA getting added to impeachment town tonight- his head might actually explode and save us all the trouble

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That is far too late.

Impeach today!

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Can we impeach the motherfucker yesterday?

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OT. Just got directly sprayed by a cropduster spraying for mosquitos in the swamp, smells funny and the sky and landscape colors seem different all of a sudden....there's a community of food stamp MAGAS nearby so fuck it, I'm good....

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