These things happen to all of us. At least you didn't take it out on the driver

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What would Travis do?

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I read on another website it's because he was a judge. Apparently they're afraid if he went to prison he would meet up with someone he put there. Personally, I think that would be justice, but I'm not one of the numbskulls who elected him to these positions where he could do such harm.

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Or basic intelligence.

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Kicked off the wrestling commission for too many 'Saturday Night Rides'.

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So in other words this dumbshit doesn't even KNOW any people of color. So of course he hates them.

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This country does not have much longer to survive as a democracy, representative or otherwise. When you have a majority of the population of a school district vote to remove half or more of the funding for public schools, I see little hope for the future. Despite some of the problems in the 1950s and 1960s, including racism, we did not have the total dislike of public education and science. I don't recall any disputes about teaching evolution, any push for religion classes in schools (I attended schools in North Carolina and Maryland), or any general disrespect for the teaching profession. All of those have come about in the last 30 years thanks to the GOP. So I dispute that the GOP wants to return us to those days. Or at least returning to the part where education and science was considered the key to a better America, not the downfall of the nation as the current GOP claims.

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Do boner pills come with instructions that the person taking them shouldn't go out in the sun?

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Yet many Republicans buy into that obviously stupid idea. For some reason, the fact that a landlord will not just forget they have to pay property tax and include it as part of the rent goes right over their head. As do many other ideas that a third grader should be able to figure out.

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Anyone willing to give odds he bought into Pizzagate and thought the investigations meant Hillary must have done Benghazi?

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"Tie you to a tree with a vote rope, smash your face with a shovel made of votes, and set you on fire with burning votes."

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So you know that time that I'd tell you what irony was? Yeah me neither.

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Has he decided to step down from the school board "to spend more time with his family"? Because that's pretty much an admission of guilt for a Republican.

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Proposition 13 much?

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