I was just thinking yesterday that we've had nearly a month's worth of 9/11s.

I honestly don't think the press is covering the deaths enough. That's such a huge number that I think humans can't take it in. It becomes just a statistic, or a data point on a graph. Not because people (well, decent people who aren't sociopaths) don't have empathy, but because it's too awful and the human mind tries to protect us from it.

The media should be showing body bags and refrigerated trucks and hundreds of coffins and funerals. Because people need to be reminded that this isn't just a fight over who gets to have their hair cut or who gets a little sick and gets better.

Seriously. That's the population of a small city. 80 thousand people. Nearly 27 9/11s. Think of the days and days of crying many of us did after 9/11. But this is dispersed, it's quiet, and it's unseen because families can't even be at the hospital with their loved ones when they die. It's often after weeks on a ventilator.

America needs to feel the weight of this many deaths, to grieve it, and to understand it.

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And it's hiding in plain sight. Of course.

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I have never seen conservatives solve the problems of floods, fires, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and disease. Nor the man aamade problems of failed economies, job loss, recessions and depressions.

No, in the conservative model, ideally the Free Market steps in and corporations help, if it's convenient and there's something in it for them like good PR. And if people die because there's nothing in it for the corporations, well, it is what it is.

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Our beautiful economy was a house of cards built on sand.

Not to throw saltwater on your metaphor here, but it's actually WAY easier to build a house of cards on sand than on a shiny-smooth table. And way more stable, too.

I think the metaphor you're looking for is that they build a house of cards on the freshly minwaxed hood of a running Mercedes diesel.

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Has anybody calculated the number of deaths we would be seeing if we had, from the first, acted rationally? (Say, like Denmark?)

Trump isn't responsible for all the deaths, only most of them.

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Good 'n Plenty, AKA, mothers' little helper!

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That's pretty much... yep! End of story. Elon Musk is a loud, cawing shitbird.

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We have a fucking vaccine for the flu. If the 1918 raised it's head again we d be able ( well we used to be able before 2017) to produce millions of doses of vaccine.

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Aw shucks. See what that coroney virus done did - so slow at work I got time to waste on coming up with things like that.

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They make the best hoaxes.

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Well, all that harp music can get on your nerves after a while.

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It's often the case though. I used to run with a bunch of black guys, and you wouldnt believe how many white guys were hostile simply because they couldnt figure out how to hang, although they wanted to.

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Maybe they fear you. Anyway, don't give them anything, we all think you are awesome.

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Well, to be fair, WARS wouldn't seem so horrible if The History Channel just made documentaries about all the people who DIDN'T die in them...

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Basically, depending on how things go in November, EIther the Republicans will hand more tax cuts to the wealthy because pandemic and then say "ohhh look! We can't afford Social Security and medicare anymore! OOpsie!" or the democrats will lead us into a liberal utopia with universal healthcare and income and then we'll have to fight the redhats in the streets, demanding their rights to suffer and die in service to the wealthy as republican Jesus intended..

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A "progressive society"? Horrors!! Where is my fainting couch?

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