I compare Poverty Finance 101 to those game shows where you run an obstacle course and try to avoid getting knocked into the water

Only this pool has piranha, electric eels and brain-eating ameoba

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"Gold is ever the best witness in Law Court" Uhtred of Bebbanberg, 871 A.D.

We've come a long way........NOT

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Butchered, contaminated, and very nearly annihilated the native population whose clans were largely matriarchal, at that.

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The PeeResident is the master of detail. There is no grift too small. I can picture him going to a poor-people's bar saying, "Betcha ten bucks I've got 'YOUR NAME' tatooed on my dick!" And he does.

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Never knew.... Any details or links?

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The whole Fairfax thing has me flummoxed. She never told ANYONE until 2017 when he was running for Lt. Gov that this encounter was not consensual. Sure, I can also give graphic descriptions of guys I had oral sex with...including spitting out the cum. It did not mean I wasn’t consenting to the encounter...some guys aren’t as erotically pleasant in that area as others. Dr. Blasey both told people at the time and in the coming years. She came forward and numerous other women did, too. Even Al Franken had several accusers AND photographs. And I have had women confide in me about assault both shortly after it happened and some years later. You ALWAYS tell someone. This bothers me. And their stories of staying in touch vs. not staying in touch...that bothers me. And her saying because she was wearing a “pantsuit” she wasn’t planning on having sex? I haven’t worn a dress for decades...that didn’t seem to be a hinderence to an encounter. And oral sex if you are without contraception is often done. My question is why didn’t he pleasure her? And she was not a high school girl or trying to advance her career so that kind of pressure is off the table. And just because she was at the Dem convention does not mean she is a Dem now. I know a bunch of people who voted for Obama and then voted for Fuckface. Virginia is VITAL for the ratfucking Rethugs. And please, this doesn’t mean I don’t believe in the oppression and assault of women. Be a grown up, please.

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Oh, haven't you heard? The USPS is going out of business because of the low, low shipping rates it gives to Amazon.

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Tricky...I like it!

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You rectum.

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Hey, who else was gonna teach the white people how to make the turkey come out moist and delicious?

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Really, the idea that government shouldn't actually be in charge of anything has turned the US into a bitter, ineffective and crippled nation, too scared of what a rabble of fat bastard cheesemongers think to make a move or do anything.

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This isn't a Bernout outpost.

We are well aware of what they got up to and what they've got in store for every non Bernie candidate this time- exactly the same as last time, but with extra unicorn spunk sauce.

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And so you take another step towards being ruled by a mentally defective version of Bad Bob Booth.

Better check the coverage on that thing, rather than take him at his word.

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Too bad, his beer holder will be furloughed.

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The brexiteers will see them soon enough.

Then they'll blame someone else, because they are spinless gammons.

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Our bunch sure bought into the demonization of DWS, though. If DWS isn't hated in these parts, it's got a lot to do with those few of us who have tried to set the record straight about her. (Sure doesn't hurt that one can point to the CFPB's final payday lender rules and how they are, to several decimal points, the same as DWS's.)

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