she's never heard of the ottoman empire, she's talking about the show.

the stupid, it burns

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She was totally inspiring! And her tight short dress which was weird. And yelling "we did it!" after dominating and disrupting a quiet memorial to massacre victims. Good for you, lame whitey.

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I think we're getting a rare insider's view of cult behavior.

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'Feelin real good about herself,' as Beetlejuice would say.

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You know I hate to correct you, but I'd heard it was a grievance of Susans (their mothers) and an entitlement of Karens. Did I hear wrong? (do be honest)

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I stand corrected. I'll be in the corner fondling my shame.

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This is announced but then it can't be paid. And isn't he overseas? But isn't there a way to make the verdict more real? Pubicize it every day?

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He smiles too much. Has he got a spine?

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Well, rightly so.

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I do believe there is some weird shit coming. Almost half the population doesn't think that trump should be impeached. Of that half, there's a spectrum. One one end you got people who are like, "I know I know he's an asshole...but my portfolio!" On the other end, you got "I will eat glass and shit it out the other end for you, dear leader!"

trump unabashedly taunting his security team to rough her up....thats an open invitation to his more extreme followers, So...agreed. There will be violence against trump protesters. These people who protest at trump shows, while heroic, are putting their lives at risk...which is sad and scary.

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The only way "our side" getting violent would work is1) we were prepared to go all out. Like, opening fire on a Neo-Nazi gathering all out. Like, being prepared to keep hitting a young 20something (who you know only showed up to the stupid rally to "trigger the libs") while he's on the ground crying with blood gushing down his face all out. I haven't the stomach for that. Shit, if I picture my worst enemy all alone on their birthday because nobody came to their party I get upset.

2) the police backed us up. As in "oh, a kid at a Neo-Nazi rally got his little ass beat? Yeah we're not investigating that. It's impossible to find out who did it and anyway he got what he deserved."

3) politicians had the guts to fuck the mealy-mouthed both sides nonsense and say "my advice to young people is to not attend Neo-Nazi rallies. And as to the older people putting this nonsense in their heads, shame on you. Today's violence is your fault."

Defend ourselves? Oh fuck yes and bring a cameraphone because they'll spin it (just look at the Proud Boys starting fights and then playing the victim). But stay non-violent at almost all costs because then the cops and media have nothing.

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It's okay, the New York Times has declared that a strong, serene, unified Republican Party has the upper hand on impeachment as it rallies behind a president enjoying brilliant policy success after brilliant policy success, whereas Democrats are demoralized and, how you say? "in disarray," and a lot of people the Times has interviewed at diners and things don't like that girl Nancy Pelosi.

So if the stories of these disruptions are ever told, at least by the likes of Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, they will be told as stories of demoralized faces (in disarray) deliberately hurling themselves into strong, serene, unified fists.

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Are you enjoying all this, Adolph?

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"The Young Turks are Democrats who support Armenian genocide Youtube!! Youtube!!!" Featuring Anahit Misak "Ana" Kasparian a daughter of Armenian immigrant parents, granddaughter of cleansing survivors.

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Glendale’s a little behind the fascist curve; so typical of WEST coastal elite. We here on the Atlantic coast witnessed Rep. Andy Harris command the authorities to instantly remove a lone person who called out ‘liar’ at his recent town hall... and remove they did, at once. Lady MS also earned a smack down, having laughed audibly at one of Andy’s diatribes. He spied the source of the chortle, pointed at me, and said, ‘if your ticket is chosen, you’re not getting a question’.Delmarva will welcome their new overlords.

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Maybe we could have a Music Special on NBC, like the King Family used to do, or Andy Williams. But instead of highlighting Christianity and Christmas songs, say, it could feature different cults. Our beautiful diversity of cults in America! An unfairly neglected subject, lo these many years!!! And each of those cults-- with their beautiful costumes and everything-- would embody something Republicans might faintly recognize. Know what I mean? All their stupid things and the lies they put over, and cheat with. Like there could be a cult that rescues unfortunates from urban areas for rehabilitation but in fact they'd all be gorgeous young Africans, non-English-speaking, who have jobs working in the homes of cult leaders. That could be one cult.

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