I warned you I was a pedant! I always like the ents, but thought it was very careless of them to lose their wimmins.

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Money makes the Trump go round.The Trump go round.The Trump go round.

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This is all completely deelish.

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Yes they have 10 year terms and run in “nonpartisan” elections (they’re very partisan).

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Probably a nap in the auto after some serious heavy petting.

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" Considering there was no Twitter, 24 news channels ..."I find this comment to be both hilarious and sad at the same time. How did the world get along before twitter, facebook, instagram, tik tok, ... ?It's a mystery to me.

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And from me, no disrespect to you or your friend or her mom or to anyone living through that hideous time.

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As a requirement for joining the Trump legal team, the shame organ is cauterized.

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“Safe harbor“ 🥰🥰🥰


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JESUS! That is fucking scary, because she's so crazy you KNOW she'd manufacture evidence.

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Yeah, Abrams doesn't strike me as the type of person who would be doing anything illegal. Also, she was trying to increase voter turnout, not win elections illegally.

I have to admit I also have a bit of grudging respect for Brian Kemp. He's willing to win an election through voter suppression, but he wasn't willing to go full fascist for Trump. I realize that's a pretty low bar, but I was really scared for a bit that all the Republican governors of swing states would go along with Trump's insane coup plans.

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Apparently there are NO standards for being a lawyer. I think it must be like becoming a doctor - once you have that license, it's hard to take it away.

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It is in a way. It's completely deelish in a way, also, to read all these wingnuts' moans online that Trump was robbed and massive voter fraud stole the election from him, but just wait, he will counter-punch gigantically and there will be justice. And of course they are saying that they will act in the streets with guns if things don't go their way.

"American Patriots have guns as their God given right. I fear that should this issue not get properly resolved by the courts, people will resolve it in the streets."

Most of this garbage is empty boasting and hot air, like Trump's endless utterances. But there are loons with assault weapons and ammo galore out there, and probably some people are going to get killed, which is not completely deelish. Covid-19 is still running wild through the U.S. while Trump and his administration do nothing. Also not deelish.

I suppose we'd better get what comfort we can from these drongoes' howls and yelps of anguish.

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