As I noted above, this is a RECESS appointment, not an appt under the Vacancies Act, & the fact that Congress is formally recessed is not an accident. McConnell held them in session, even when they were not formally so, because a recess would have allowed Obama to appoint Garland. This is not the first time they've used this play.
I hate to be a spoilsport, but this isn't a Vacancies Act appointment. It's a RECESS appointment. Congress is officially recessed & has been for >10 days. Court rulings have upheld the legality of these appointments & it's absolutely why McConnell refused to formally recess after Obama nominated Garland. Oh, & guess who laid out this very scenario? Matthew Whitaker. I think this has the fingerprints of Emmett Flood all over it.
Come the Day of the Harvest, he’ll be the Alien’s Main Course
It’s a Jesus thing, talent is optional
Constitutional Karma Sutra?
There's a lot more outrage since you posted. Crossed fingers.
:) :) :)
Thank you for this. been a while!
As I noted above, this is a RECESS appointment, not an appt under the Vacancies Act, & the fact that Congress is formally recessed is not an accident. McConnell held them in session, even when they were not formally so, because a recess would have allowed Obama to appoint Garland. This is not the first time they've used this play.
I hate to be a spoilsport, but this isn't a Vacancies Act appointment. It's a RECESS appointment. Congress is officially recessed & has been for >10 days. Court rulings have upheld the legality of these appointments & it's absolutely why McConnell refused to formally recess after Obama nominated Garland. Oh, & guess who laid out this very scenario? Matthew Whitaker. I think this has the fingerprints of Emmett Flood all over it.
And the media is fucking complicit--not a word anywhere without a specific search about the rallies last night. They might as well not have happened.
And what is she hanging on here, a coatrack?
Too dumb.
That or Lex Luthor.
As Trump's diffusion paths of corruption are cut off, the concentration of corruption increases.
You can smell the desperation. A sweet, sickly odor of skunk.
For the one millionth time, can you imagine the outrage from the right if a Democrat had done something like this?
I guess I've been keeping a watch on this so closely that Sessions being forced out rang the alarm bells.
Matt Whitaker in Plan 9 from Outer Space. Who knew?