Ahhh. Trump has foam in his head, too.

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The only thing President Downercow HASN'T done is shit his own pants. That we know of. ALLEGEDLY...

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Ted Nugent does that for him.

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Best idea I’ve ever heard. My idea was an island or maybe just one of the big, wide-open states in the middle. Nebraska. Or Kansas. All the Trump humpers and right wing loonies and white supremacy folks can form their own ethnostate. No Messicans or even very tan people allowed (California surfers). They can import Viagra and just breed stupid and hate while the rest of us avoid that area altogether.

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I keep reading “Doonbeg” as doom-berg, which is kinda where the ship of state is headed with Cheeto Colored Cap’n Crank at the helm.

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It wouldn't be so much more terrible than usual of the MSM wasn't PRESIDENSHAL falling all over themselves while there's credible journalism out there that the White House Occupant is and has been laundering money for the Russian mafia.

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