Yep. There are poor folks in my family who might actually go to get their teeth cleaned once a year if they could do it at their Wal-Mart for 25 bucks. Hell, I got my flu shot this year at CVS, and I'm on what most of America would consider a premium medical plan.

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Yeah, me too. What makes him special?

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For example, toss the guy a can opener. (Amirite?)

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It can go hand in hand with all the zombie ideas still kicking around on the right, like trickle down economics and persecution of Christians and Planned Patenthood selling baby parts.

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Speaking of doctors, did you know that fuckshit's previous WH doc, whose nomination to head the VA got pulled and had praised fuckshit's genes, is running for Congress, campaigning that he can get things done because HE can walk unannounced into the Oval Office.

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Does this mean that all those poeple trump stiffed on what he owed them can send that stuff to collections? Surely, that would be just as fine as the rest of it.

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More importantly, it definitely sounds like all the people Trump stiffed, can now legally send him UNLIMITED EMAILS AND TEXTS about it. Could they, pretty please? Maybe if he spends all his time cleaning up the MILLIONS OF EMAILS AND TEXTS people are sending him all day and night, he won't have time to tweet? (Or, you know, president?)

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I never understood taco Tuesday. Where I'm from we eat tacos whenever there are tacos around.

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I wish the same limitations applied to my student loans...I plan to start making "good faith" payments this year to keep them at bay. Going back to school in my mid 40's means these bitches will follow me to my grave.

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Think what you like. The WHO is reporting 27 deaths outside of China as of today. Compare that to 45,000 deaths to flu annually (3 million people contract flu every year).

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I finished my masters seven months before my 50th birthday. I’ll never stop paying but my kids now know they don’t have to!

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Any Corvus Corax would be smarter than what we have now

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In my experience, what loudmouthed blokes in bars declare to be genuine law or scientific fact is almost invariably not true. I just threw in the "almost" to be cautious. I suppose some time, somewhere, a loudmouthed bloke in a bar said something about law or science that was correct.But yes, we have our problems that way down under. We've had many cases, exposed on television current events programs at times, of telephone, power and gas companies sending bills to pensioners of a few thousand dollars (for a quarter or a mere month) that they never bloody well ran up in the first place, and continuing to send the bill after their error was pointed out, getting downright nasty and threatening with each successive bill. Until they were exposed in the media, at which point they became meltingly reasonable.Proof, if it's required, that with all its faults and potential for abuse, the media and free press especially, are NEEDED.And that billionaire monopolies thereof are a bad, bad, idea.Murdoch Empire, this means you.

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No mental health care at all?

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FYI, they can garnish SS for student loan debt now.

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