The dead soulless eyes are actually the indication that it hasn't been Photoshopped.

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Maybe not. Both of those series were meretricious crap, IMHO, and Watchmen is a work of art.

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Hamburgler LIBELZ!!

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I never take percentages as a valid argument. I demand the actual raw numbers.And the other part is true--R&D isn't going to Universities or non-profits, it's going into the pockets of corporations, who then can write off that money as a loss.

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If this was a tweet I'd be tagging infinite scream. What the fuck. Always the wrong choice. Always short-sighted and self-destructive. Always delusional justifications.

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spent months emotionally investing Ten years.... I've been a Bernie booster for over ten years, and IRL when people call me bro it's usually this weird redneck KKK-vibe, or they scream "Brother!" like Macho Man Randy Savage. Back in 2009, a Senator Sanders from Vermont made national news for saying something so sensible that it scared people. He's still doing that, saying sensible things that scare people. I'll vote Biden if I have to, just like I voted Clinton because I had to. Bernie doesn't have to actually win.... his presence has pulled the party so far to the left that all the candidates can do is emulate him to various degrees. We so-called BernieBros have already enacted sweeping change in this country and I'm so f'ing proud of it.

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Texas will allocate it directly to faith based organizations like they did with Harvey funds. Right to Franklin Graham.

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At some point, they'll start claiming that this massive increase in debt is GOOD for the country. I await their explanations with amusement.

Also, I note that the increased spending on CBP, ICE and HS are intended to create the Gestapo he's been so eager for.

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If the economy is doing so great, the fed desperately needs to be raising rates. 1.75 is not cutting it. We need to be bumping it up to at least mid-Bush term levels (5% or so). Insisting on keeping the rates low for political purposes is some seriously short-sighted policy.

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Truly, a nice touch. Although I would have wept at encountering perfection if she had used the alternate spelling, hamberder.

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They won't. They'll just keep lying about the source. Its not our precious tax cuts. Its those lazy takers.

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Of course, it doesn't spend all that much on its military to begin with

Ding, ding, ding. Yup, look at all the countries doing better than us and see how much of their GDP goes to the military.

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This is why we have to stop letting the media get away with insisting on a "winner" at every step. I feel like they are fueling these duels instead of letting everyone agree that any Dem health plan is better than the repubicans "let 'em get sick and die" plan.

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Cannot for the life of me remember the name of this book, but scenes from it stuck with me. It was an autobiography of a woman who grew up to be a politician, and it focused mostly on her childhood. Her mother more or less abdicated parental duties, and the children parented herself. As a child, the author lived in fear of being outed about having no adult around, and spoke a lot about her struggles to feed herself and her siblings. She spoke of a landlord coming over, and figuring out that there was a problem, and instead of evicting them, bringing boxes of food over from his garden. Such a simple thing, damnit. Feed hungry kids? What a concept.

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To me, every step that this madman takes into further darkness, and the blood of every man, woman, and child who dies as a result of the policies they enact, is on the hands of the senators who could have done something, but didn't. Yes, Murkowski, I'm talking about you.

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